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  • Dedicated to The Prank Call! Go Read!




Four's POV

I don't know what to do anymore about Tris. She has been ignoring me and not bothering to listen to anything I have to say. Everytime I try to talk to her or explain to her how much I love her she just shuts me down. As much as I wanna give up with trying to win her over, I can't. I love her too much for that. The wedding is in 6 days and at this point i'm confused. I can't back down now, but I don't think I love Lauren. Actually no, I know I don't love Lauren at all, but I can't tell her that 6 days before her dream day. I would look like a complete Jerk! Suddenly my doorbell rings i go to check who it is and it's 


I gulp and I'm almost certain my breathing sped up.

"Tris! Hi! How are you?" I ask too overly excited for my liking.

"Look, these are all the numbers, dates, invitations, and anything else regarding to your wedding. I just wanted to drop it off." she says not even giving me any eye contact. Her eyes wandered everywhere, but mine.

"Tris, can we please talk. Like talk about something other than the wedding?"

"There is nothing to talk about." She says making an attempt to leave before I grab her arm and spin her around. 

Tris's POV

At this point Four and I are 2 inches apart and we're staring into each other's eyes. Suddenly he inches foward and kisses me. We kiss slowly and our lips move in sync. I hadn't tasted these lips for years and I didn't wan to stop anytime soon. He pushes me up against the wall and I wrap my legs around his waist. The kissing turn more rough and harder. He wraps his hand around my waist and my hands make there way up to his hair. 

Realize hits me like a rock and I stop. I push him off and slap him. I don't know why I did it just felt like what needed to be done at the moment.

"What was that for?" He asks rubbing his left cheek. 

"For what just happened! The freaking kiss! You have a wife four! Now I feel like a slut!"

"She's not my wife!"

"But she will be in 6 days! This was a mistake. I'm sorry this should have never happened. I don't want you to ever talk to me again! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I scream with tears streaming down my face. I run out and go to my car.

I was so furious with everything. Why was all this happening? I can't deal wih any of this. We kissed. Hell, we did more than kiss! No wonder Lauren freaking hates my guts. I'm basically taking  her man away from her. I put my car on and my hands are shaking. I needed someone to talk to so I decided to call Christina. Lacking attention to the road, I dial Christina's number


OMG CLIFFHANGERRRR! Read my new teen fiction story called The Prank Call!

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