ch. 4

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"Who was that girl?"Daniel asked me "her name's Becky, why?" Daniel have me a unsure face "she is well...." over powering" I answered for him. "Yeah how did you know?" He asked me." "Me and Becky never really got alone and still don't. She was always the popular girl everyone wanted to be. I was always the nerdy girl. No one wanted to be." I said kinda sadly "Hey I'm sure that's not true. I have only known you for like a day and I think you have a great personality." He said trying to comfort me. "Really?" I had some hope that he meant what he said. " Your right people want to be me and not a petty person like you." Said a voice behind me. I slowly turned around to meet a stone cold face of none other than Becky. "Whatev - " i started, but Daniel interrupted me " Hey she didnt do anything to you leave her alone and if anyone is the petty person in the situation it's you. Now get your pound of makeup head out of your butt and see straight ahead of you. Let's go Juniper" I followed him still (sister) shook at what he just said. " I didn't know you had that in you!" I said once we got out of earshot of them. "When your the bullys target in school all your life. You start to learn how to stand up for yourself." He explained " you were bullied" I asked shocked. How could such cute boy with such a great personality get bullied. " Yeah almost all my school life. It was bad at first and later on it was still bad but i got used to it." When he said that his once bright blue eyes turned a sad shad's on dark blue. "I'm sorry" was all I would think to say. "Dont be it's not your fault." "rrrinnnnnggg" I looked at Daniel "what period do you have now" I aksd him "umm... social studys" I thought for a minute. "Ok c'mon I will show you the way to get there." I grabbed his wrist and led him down the hallway. " Ok here is your class, bye Daniel" I said once we got to his class
  I made my way to science my next class. Once I walked in I noticed a few new students. I saw a seat next to a girl, I had never seen before. "Hi I'm Juniper I said once I had sat down bedside her. "Hi I'm christina" she said with a polite smile. "So did you just move here?" I asked to get to know her. I didn't have any friends here, other than I guess Daniel now. "Yeah I just moved here with my dad from Rhode island." She said " That's so cool I have always wanted to go there myself." The teacher walked in bringing are conversation to a short end. I have Christina a little smile then I turned to the front of my seat.

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