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"Ringgggg" the bell sounded once again snapping out of my daze. I had been stuck in deep thought, thinking about my mom. I wonder what I did to make her hate me I thought. A silent year rolled down my cheek without my knowledge." hey, are you ok?"I looked up to a warm smile that belonged to Christina." Yeah i'm fine" I told her hoping she believed me. "Are you sure because it looks like you are crying" she said in a caring way. " yeah I'm fine" I rushed out of the classroom, not wanting to be late or for her to ask anymore questions. I didn't want to be rude but I just met her, I didn't know if I could trust her just yet.
I walked down the hall way, when suddenly I got shoved into a locker. I fell to the ground with a groan, and a sure bruise on my arm. I looked up to a pair of icy eyes that sent chills down my back. "Stay away from Daniel, you little attention seeking whore." I just looked at her, confused at why she thinks she can claim Daniel. " What makes you think he even wants you?" She looked at me with a look of shock. The same look as if I had just told her I stole her puppy. That look was quickly replaced with a small smirk.  "who wouldn't want me." She said with a dramatic flip of her hair. I rolled my eyes at how conceited and dramatic she was being. " I could hand you a list right now if you would like " my voice laced with sarcasm. I felt a force slap me right across my cheek. I held my cheek and look up at her clenching jaw. "you are such a bitch" she practically screamed, almost all eyes turned are way. People started to surround us probley hoping for a fight. I was mad now, I wanted nothing more than to rip those extensions out of her hair. I took a swing at her and right before my fist got her face a hand grabbed my wrist. I looked sideways into the eyes of Daniel, he quickly pulled me through the crowd of people and into a empty classroom. "What the actual frick" I shouted at him not actually wanting to use the real word. "I could have beaten her ass" he just stared at me for a quick second. Then looked down and shook his head, still not saying anything. I was beyond mad at this point, he pulled me in I'm here and now won't even say anything. "say something" I was yeting impatient. I was about to walk out the door when Daniel grabbed my arm. "Wait" I slowly turned around to meet his face.

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