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I woke up the next morning to banging on the door. I groaned and pushed myself out of bed. Daniel has not stayed the night since we had school in the morning and we both needed sleep. I checked the time and it was 3:30am. Why the heck is someone here at 3:30 in the morning, I wondered as I walked to the door. I opened the door and I felt my eyes widen. I saw the one person that i thought I would never see again.  I saw Serena. I saw Serena costello, to be exact my sister. I know what your thinking. You have a sister? Yes before my mom met my dad she had a baby. She never told me I had a sister until about a 3 years ago. My mom and her dad wanted us to meet cause we are siblings. I was hesitant at first but I eventually agreed to it. I ended up going to her house to meet her and I ended up loving her so much. While we were talking to each other we heard arguing. The curious people we were we went to check what the noise. It turns out that my mom and her dad had got into a argument. I never knew what it was about but it must have been pretty heated and bad. Because my mom made me cut all communicate with Abby. I was sad about it at first but I eventually learned to live life like I did before I meet her.

I lunged and hugged her and almost knocked her down. I was smiling brightly until I saw she was crying. My smile quickly faltered. "First why are you here? And second. Why are you crying?". She looked at me and I could tell that she didnt want to tell me what had happened to get. I respected that cause I figured that it must have been pretty bad. I just stepped out of the doorway and let her in. I walked to my small hall closet and pulled out a pillow and blanket. "You can stay for as long as you would like." I told her with a warm smile.
"t-t-hank y-you" she stuttered out as she gave a me a hug. "Your welcome, just tell me what happened when your ready." I led her over to the couch. "You can sleep on the couch for tonight." She nodded and gave me another hug. I hugged her back and realized just how much I really did miss her. I helped her make the couch up into a temporary bed. I went to my room and looked for her some clothes to sleep in, since she didnt have any luggage. I ended up picking her out some sweat pants and a t-shirt since we were the same size. I walked into the living room and saw that she was laying on the couch asleep. I just smiled and set the clothes down on the coffee table not wanting to wake her. I walked back to my room and crawled back in bed. I tossed and turned all night, I would sleep at all. I kept wondering what she was here for. I eventually went to sleep about 6am. I didn't bother going to school because I figured me sister is more inportant.

Sorry for the short chapter, I have been extremely busy lately with school. I am not going to lie I am not the smartest person out there. I have been struggling to keep grades up. So I am not going to post often. I am sotry I am doing the best I can.

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