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It has been three weeks since the first time I inhaled the air in Mexico. Quite a few suprising things had overcome me so far. From one accident I flew straight into the other one. I had made some really awesome friends, which I was sure of we would have a great summer together. We decided to do something fun every friday night. Last week we went to the karaoke which was organised by the hotel itself. 

Even though I did not sing, it was alot of fun to see Theo and Thomas make complete idiots out of themselves. 

Sure, I have friends in England. But somehow I didn't seem to miss them at all.

My mother had called me twice so far. I knew she would check in with me once in a while, so I only told her the good stuff that was going on here. And honestly, many things went well.

I just checked my own reflection in the mirror once more as I made sure my hair looked fine. I had used a curling iron to make it as big as possible with tons of hairspray. This would be the only way to keep my fine hair in place. I had picked three different outfits, but after trying them all on I sticked with the first one.

A white bardot top to accentuate my clavicles , combined with a silver necklace and a simple black skirt. I had tried to put one some high heels, but it didn't take long before I changed my mind on that.

Sneakers would do perfectly fine.

  ''For god's sake Vera! You're done yet?'' A loud yell coming from the other side of the bathroom door runned trough the space.

''I'm coming'''

Once Nadia and I had left our room, time passed by like a blur. We had meet up with Thomas and Theo which were looking their best for sure. We were heading to a party by car near the hotel. It didn't took longer than seven minutes to get there, but only the experience of leaving the hotel for the first time made me really excited.

Tonight was about making fun. And I felt so ready for it.

Who knows I might meet someone, appart from the fact I have really good looking companion.

''So you girls got some moves?'' Theo smirked as we walked inside the club. It was filled with people in every corner. Usually I hated going to big parties. I rather stayed home, having a good face mask upon my face as I watched my favourite tv show Las Chickas del cable. Yet here I was, standing inbetween the crowd with the only three people I know.

''Ofcource we do! The question is more, do you?'' I asked back, teasing the boy as he was always trying to stand above us at everything. In a good way ofcource.

''Hah, he isn't even close to a six year old dancer'' Thomas chuckled , rolling his eyes at his brother.

''No, they still got a lot to learn'' He bluffed back.

''Sure they do Theo, sure they do'' Nadia laughed it off as we started dancing in a small group. The music bummed trough my head all evening and somehow I didn't feel tired at all. Even better, the longer I danced , the less tired I felt.

I supose the alcohol was kicking in, even though I only had one glass. I'm just that kind of person that doesn't need much of alcohol to have some fun. Like, what is even the point of doing drugs?

''Vera'' The voice of Thomas fluttered trough my ears which made me look up to him. 

His hair had fallen upon his face, making his jaw appear smaller. ''Can I just say that you look amzing?!'' He yelled at me, as I tried really hard to hear his voice trough the loud music.

ahw, that's so sweet!

''Thanks Thomas!'' I smiled back in respond, showing him that I was flattered by his compliment. 

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