Part 2

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"Torri, are ye ok?" I heard his voice say, I then felt his hand on my back which caused me to jump. This action was just what I needed to pull me back to reality.

"Sorry lass, I didna mean te scare you," he said softly withdrawing his hand slowly.

"No, you didn't scare me I'm fine," I stated. I should be grateful that someone was here to bring me back to reality. This is the first time I've had a flashback In front of another person. Instead, I felt like an idiot. I didn't need people to think of me as a weak, messed up person.

"Listen Torri, Let me take ye back to the shop with me, yer in no kinda state te be alone." He looked down at me with a questioning look. I looked up at his brown eyes trying to read him. This was the first time I noticed his scars on his face that ran from the corner of his mouth up his cheeks. The scar on the right side of his face was deeper and shorter than the other.

After Mike, I thought twice about going anywhere with a stranger, but this man seemed to actually give a shit.

"Fine, but I at least need to know your name before you take me anywhere," I said. With that he got up and helped me off the warm pavement.

"Chibs," he said looking over at me. With that we both got into the truck and I heard, as well as felt, the loud rumble of the engine as he started it. I shifted slightly as I felt the leather seat below me sting my skin through my jeans. The sun was the culprit, shining through the truck window directly where I was sitting.

"How long ye in town for?" He asked me. I glanced over at him as he put the truck in drive and took off.

"Was thinking permanently, I needed to get away from my hometown," I answered. I turned my head towards to window and looked at trees and bushes off the side of the road as we passed.

"And where would that be, lass?" he questioned.

"Seattle," I replied quietly.

"Runnin' away from yer demons eh?" he asked glancing back over me again.

"Something like that."

"If ye got no where to stay my club will be able to help ye out. Looks like yer in need of some medical attention too I can help ye with tha,'" he replied. Is this normal for a small town? People just offer to pick you off your feet and help with all your problems.

"I'm a nurse I can handle the medical stuff," I said not trying to sound like I wasn't grateful.

"Aye, I bet ye can lass but when it comes to yerself ye will need some help."

"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm nothing but a broken stranger," I questioned.

"Aye, maybe ye are a broken stranger but I've been broken before too lass," he replied looking over at me softly "someone from my club helped me and it changed my life. I know what it's like to be alone in a new place," he continued.

"Your club?" I questioned.

"Aye, we are a motorcycle club," I nodded my head in response and leaned my head on the window. The calming sound of the engine and the passing scenery made it hard to stay awake. I guess all those sleepless hours were catching up to me. I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Lass," I heard Chibs say quietly while rubbing my back in attempt to wake me up.

"Hmmm?" I moaned, unable to fully wake myself up.

"We're 'ere," he chuckled.

"Prospect! Ge' yer arse over 'ere and take this bike off the truck and ge' it fixed," he yelled out to a younger guy who came over to the truck and started unstrapping my bike. He then took his mechanic shirt and threw it in the truck. I finally was awake enough to get out of the truck. The bright sunshine burning my sensitive eyes, I used my hand to shield the light.

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