Part 13

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Immediately after Mike called, Chibs took me home and didn't leave my side. That was almost three weeks ago and today was no different. Chibs was constantly by my side which didn't bother me at all. When the club needed him for anything Rat would be with me but it would be no longer than a few hours.

There has been no sign of Mike coming here since the phone call. I tried to explain to the club that he wouldn't come here right away, I knew how he worked. He was smart enough to wait a while to let my guard go down before he showed up.

It was currently 8 am and I had just woken up, tangled up in Chibs arms. Looking over at him, I noticed he was awake.

"Good morning," I said softly with a smile on my face.

"Morning, beautiful," he spoke as his hand went down to my lower abdomen, "and morning wee ones." My heart was full watching him speak to the babies. Even though there was a threat hanging over my head of Mike coming here Chibs always made me feel safe.

"I'm 14 weeks today." My voice held excitement as my hand ran over my lower abdomen where I had a bump. I definitely looked pregnant. "The babies are the size of a peach," I smiled at Chibs.

"Aye, can't believe how fast time is going by."

"I can't wait till they are here in our arms and we can kiss their little chubby cheeks." I looked into his eyes as I spoke, "I just hope this Mike situation is over before then. I know he won't come anytime too soon. He is waiting till our guard is down so he can come to take me." I knew by the way he looked at me, he could see the worry in my eyes.

"Then we won't let our guard down lass. I will do anything to keep ye safe." As he spoke, his arm reassuringly rubbed my side.

"I know, Mike is so fucking passive aggressive, I'm just waiting for his next move," I looked down at my stomach, "but I'm trying not to stress too much I know the babies don't need that."

"Aye yer right lass, it will all be okay." He smiled at me.

I got up and stripped my pajamas, letting them fall to the floor before heading to the bathroom. "I'm going to shower feel free to join me." I winked at him before reaching around and turning the shower on.

I stepped in as soon as the water was warm and jumped a tad when I felt Chibs arms pulling me towards him.

"Sorry lass, didn't mean to scare ye," he chuckled a bit as he held my back to his chest, the warm water running down both our bodies. I spun around and grabbed his soap pouring some in my hands and washing his chest.

As soon as I was done he grabbed my shampoo and lathered some on his hands and started massaging my scalp. I shut my eyes and tilted my head back loving the feeling. I rinsed my hair and opened my eyes to him staring at me.

"What?" I asked with a smile. He took some of my body wash and put it on his hands washing my chest and making his way down to my stomach being really gently.

"I love ye, Torri," he said looking directly in my eyes. I was a tad shocked to hear him say it but I could tell he meant it by the look in his eyes.

"I love you too, Chibs." I smiled up at him and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back passionately before turning me around so he could wash my back.

It was the first time I ever truly felt love in a long time.

"Your so good to me," I said as he massaged my back.

"Ye deserve to be loved and worshiped after all the shite that arsehole put ye through."

"I'm so lucky my piece of shit bike broke down when it did," I said before turning back around and kissing him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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