Part 7

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It has been two weeks since I moved in with Chibs. We had a routine; Wake up and eat breakfast together, head to the clubhouse where he would take care of club business or work in the garage and I would help Gemma with various things. I would then stock the bar and start pouring drinks later in the evening. After my shift was over at the bar Chibs and I would go back to his place and watch a movie or something on tv and then go to sleep.

Ever since the first night at his house, I have been sleeping in Chibs bed with him so I wouldn't get nightmares. Nothing has happened except snuggling and hugging along with kisses on the cheek or forehead. It's refreshing to have a man respect your boundaries and agree to take things super slow.

I haven't told Chibs about the pregnancy yet but I plan on doing so soon. With the possibility of so much going wrong in the first trimester of pregnancy, I wanted to wait to make sure this was actually happening before telling him.

It was currently around one pm and I was at Chibs house alone. I hadn't slept well last night due to being up half the night throwing up. I told him I thought I was getting the stomach flu and he called Gemma to tell her that I was too sick to work today. Chibs texted me to let me know he would be home in a few hours so I decided to go lay down for a while. I opened my purse and grabbed the ultrasound pictures and held them up while I laid in bed, my left hand resting on my lower abdomen.

"If you could stop making me sick that would be great," I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice. I was currently 10 weeks along and I was determined tonight would be the night I would tell Chibs. He deserved to know, especially because I planned on taking things further with him soon.

This would be the first time in two weeks I have slept alone. I was a bit fearful of having a nightmare but the lack of sleep from the previous night made sleep overcome me quickly.


I about jumped out of the bed when I felt the bed divot indicating someone sat down on the mattress. I looked up to see Chibs holding the ultrasound pictures that I was still holding when I fell asleep. I couldn't read his expression.

"Where ye going te tell me?" he asked, his eyes pleaded for an answer.

"I was going to tell you tonight"

"How long have ye known?" he questioned. His eyes drifted back over the photos that were in his hand.

"Since you brought me to see Tara for that X-ray. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I wanted to be sure it was real before I told you. I didn't know how you would react either. I don't want you to feel like you have to keep me around because of this, this is a huge responsibility," I rambled.

He looked up at me from the pictures with a small smile on his face.

"Ye have a wee one in there?" He questioned. It seemed as if he wanted to be sure this was real too before he reacted. I nodded in response to which he smiled.

"You're not mad?" I asked him

"No, of course not," a smile crept up his face as he looked back at the pictures in his hand. I instinctively moved my hand over my lower abdomen again.

"I promise I'll find my own place, I don't want to force this all on you," I said as I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest. None of this was his responsibility and I didn't want him to feel like he had to take part in this pregnancy.

"Torri, ye not forcing anything on me, I wan' ye here with me. I know we've only known each other for a few weeks now bu' I like ye a lot, I don't wan' ye te leave," he said as he put the ultrasound pictures down on the nightstand and sat right in front of me.

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