Part 11

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I could hear some of what the club was saying, but not enough for it to make sense. I tuned them out and just focused on the TV. Trying to just focus on my favorite show to help me relax was hard when a group of guys was sitting out there deciding what to do about Mike.

"Ye don' understand Jackie boy! Ye should see her body! Its covered in scars from tha' arsehole! And guess what?! She is pregnant with twins. So yer telling me we are jus' going te sit on our arses and wait for this bastard to come instead of making a move first?!" Chibs voice echoed through the house loudly.

"Listen to me, Chibs! We don't know if he knows where she is yet. We are going to keep an eye on her but we can't go guns blazing in the middle of Seattle! Especially with all this heat from the Feds," Jax's voice yelled before turning quiet again to continue the conversation.

I couldn't hear what was said next but whatever it was seemed to stop anyone else from yelling. It was maybe five more minutes before I heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom door. With a quick knock, the door opened and Chibs walked in, his face expressionless.

"Sounded like things got pretty heated out there."

"Aye, sorry about tha' Lass, but we got a plan now." A small smile began to form on his lips. "The club wants te talk te ye." He reached out to grab my hand and help me off the bed. I shuddered as my feet went from the carpet of the bedroom and hallway to the cold tile of the kitchen. it was well over 90 degrees outside, but in here it was freezing.

"Well first off, congrats on the babies," Jax started, "Chibs will be a great father to those two. Hell he is old enough to be most of our fathers." Jax laughed which lightened the mood a bit.

"Ye better watch it, boy," Chibs quirked back he couldn't help the smile on his face.

"Anyway, so we are going to keep you here, at Chibs place, while you're on bed rest. If he is with us then a prospect will be here with you at all times," Jax scanned the room then made eye contact with me again. "Now, once you have returned to work, obviously, you will be safe cause we are always at the bar at the clubhouse. You know we like our booze," Jax laughed again as well as a few of the other members. "You can't be left alone at all. Juice will be tracking those numbers that have been calling you, along with Mike's cell phone. If it looks like he is coming this way, we will get you to a safe, secure location till we take care of the problem." He looked over at me again. I could see in his eyes that taking care of the problem would mean to kill him.

"Anyone of us can teach you how to shoot a gun, just in case you need to protect yourself," Tig added. Happy, Juice and Bobby all nodded in agreement.

"Thank you guys, for all of this." I could hardly hide the emotion on my words. "This is more than anyone has ever done for me, I don't want to be a burden on you guys, I know your busy with-"

"Our top priority is to keep the club and our families safe, you are family now, Torri." Jax stopped me from speaking any further. This caused a tear to slip down my cheek. Damn these pregnancy hormones I silently thought as I wiped away the tear.

"Thanks," I said quietly as I gave Jax a quick hug.

"Well we got work to get done at the shop, Gemma will have our balls if we are here too long," Tig laughed as he walked towards the door with Juice, Happy and Bobby in tow.

"Get some rest, try not to stress too much," Jax said as he followed the rest of them out the door before closing it gently behind him.

Walking over to Chibs I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I can't thank you enough," I whispered against his lips before leaning in and kissing him gently. He kissed me back with a smile on his lips. His arms wrapped gently around my waist to pull me in even closer before they ran down my sides.

"We can't do anything because of the bleeding, doctors orders." A frown was on my face while I spoke.

"Tha's okay lass, we gotta make sure these wee ones are okay."

"Just sucks. These damn hormones are making me feel a certain type of way," I joked as I walked to the couch, sitting down and propping my feet on the coffee table. My grey sweat pants making my legs look twice the size they really are. Grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch I wrapped it around my arms, the t-shirt I was wearing not doing anything to keep me warm.

"As soon as ye ge' the doctor's permission, I'll make the wait worth it." Chibs laughed as he sat down next to me patting my thigh as he spoke.

"Isn't it weird to think that your president's wife has to give us permission to have sex?" I giggled as I snuggled into him when he put his arm up over me pulling me close, my head laying on his chest.

"Well, when ye put it tha' way it does." He grabbed the remote and clicked the TV on. I saw him looking at me and laughed when I couldn't help but smile when I heard the Freinds theme song come through the speakers.

"Ye really love this show," he chuckled as I grabbed the remote out of his hand so he couldn't change it.

"I used to watch it with my mom. It's one of the best shows," my voice held a bit of a sad tone. I really miss my mom. But she would never believe me over Mike. She always thought I was an attention seeker and saw Mike as the perfect man. He could never make any mistakes being a cop.

Chibs must have seen the frown on my face because he started rubbing his hands up and down my side.

"Wha's wrong lass?"

"Jus' thinking of my mom, I miss her but she probably doesn't even care I'm gone. It sucks because we used to be so close, then when I was in high school we drifted apart. Life got shitty for me and I turned to drugs for a while and, when she found out, she said she didn't want a junkie daughter. So she kicked me out and I cleaned up and graduated high school, went to nursing school and met Mike," my voice was shaking as I tried to hold back tears. "I'm sorry, this has just been on my mind a lot lately."

"Torri It's okay, I'm here for ye, whatever ye need te talk about, I'll always be here te listen." He paused to place a kiss on my head. "I'm sure ye ma misses ya, ye can always call her if ye wan' te."

"No, she would want to know where I was and she would probably tell Mike. She wouldn't believe me if I told her the truth. It's ok though, I'm happy I found you." I looked up at him with a smile.

"I'm happy we found each other too, and we have a great future ahead of us. The babies will be here before we know it and it will be amazing." he smiled brightly.

"You're right, it's all going to be okay, actually more than okay." I leaned up and kissed his cheek before setting my head back down on his chest.

It was amazing to think that a few weeks ago I was fearing for my life, shakily waiting for my husband to get home from work. And now I'm laying in the arms of a man who I am starting to fall for, who is so caring and accepting of me. 

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