Part 8

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I woke to the sound of the alarm buzzing loudly on Chib's nightstand. He smacked the button and pulled me in closer placing a soft kiss to the top of my hair.

"G'morning, Lass." I felt a shiver run down my spine from his warm breath tickling my head.

"'Morning," I said as I lifted my head up and placed a kiss on his cheek. The moment was cut short when a wave of nausea hit me.

"Dammit!" I yelled and ran to the bathroom, flipping the toilet lid and throwing up what little I had in my stomach. Chibs ran behind me, held my hair with one hand and placed his other around my stomach.

"Stop making yer mum sick, wee one." His words caused a smile to form on my lips.

"Shit." I grabbed my lower abdomen.

"Ye okay?" Chibs asked turning my body around so I was facing him.

"Just a couple bad cramps, ill be fine," I replied as I felt another shock wave of pain run through my abdomen.

"Ye sure?" he questioned. I could see the worry in his eyes.


"Okay, I'll go make breakfas'." He placed a kiss on my cheek before heading out of the bathroom.

I got up and pulled my pajama bottoms and underwear down to use the bathroom, worry running through my mind as I saw blood on my panties. Shit.

"Chibs!" I yelled, my body begginning to shake in worry. Maybe something was wrong with my baby. I was only ten weeks. I remember learning about complications of pregnancies in nursing school and most things that could go wrong happen within the first twelve weeks.

"Wha's wrong Lass?" I heard his footsteps running towards the bathroom in a hurry. He stopped directly next to me as he saw the blood.

"I don't know if this is normal, with the cramps, something must be wrong. Right?" I questioned him, hoping he would have an answer for me.

"Get yer clothes on, let's go see Tara," he said as he pulled his phone out, leaving the room.

I walked into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and grabbed my purse. Chibs was already outside waiting.

It was an odd sight to see Chibs in a car and not on his bike, but with me being pregnant I was sure we would be taking the car that Gemma gave me more often than not.

I sat in the front seat of the car and Chibs hand instantly went to my thigh gently rubbing in an attempt to comfort me. The contact was all I needed to break down and cry. Worried that I may lose this baby, It was such a shock to find out I was pregnant but the idea of having a baby grew on me greatly in the last few weeks.

"What if I lose the baby?" I sobbed. The dam that was holding my tears back broken.

"I'm here fer ye, Torri, No matter wha' happens," he said as he backed out of the driveway and headed towards the hospital.

"I'm sure the little lad or lass is going to be jus' fine," He added. I knew I needed to calm down, working myself up this way wasn't going to help anything.

It only took a few minutes to get to the hospital but it felt like a hell of a lot longer. Chibs quickly parked the car and opened my door for me, he grabbed my hand and walked with me into the front doors. We made the familiar walk to Tara's office and explained what happened. She stood up from her desk and had us follow her to one of the exam rooms.

Chibs gave me a hand as I climbed onto the exam table, pulling my shirt up and preparing for the ultrasound I knew she was going to do.

The thoughts running through my head were quickly interrupted by the cool gel that Tara had put on my abdomen.

"So how long has he bleeding been going on?" Tara questioned keeping eye contact until she put the prob on my stomach.

"I just noticed it this morning right after I felt some pretty intense cramping." I searched her face as she looked at the ultrasound screen moving the probe slightly to get a better look.

Chibs held my hand as he stood next to me, he must have noticed the doctors face; a look neither of us could read.

"Something wrong with the wee one, Doc?" Chibs questioned, trying to figure out Tara's face.

"No, well, I mean nothing is wrong with the baby, but there are two of them." She turned the screen towards me as she spoke.

"T-two baby's?" My voice shaking from shock

"Yeah, sometimes 8 weeks is too early to see twins so I didn't catch it on the last ultrasound. The cramping is from your uterus stretching and growing more due to having two fetuses in there," she started looking back at the scene and capturing a few pictures. "Now the bleeding could be a couple of things, one of the babies placentas could be covering your cervix, but I don't see that here," she continued looking back at the screen confirming what she was telling me. "Your cervix could just be irritated. Have you had sexual intercourse recently?" She looked back over at me and then to Chibs and then to our hands that were connected over the top portion of my abdomen.

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I looked over at Chibs.

"Yea last nigh', why?" Chibs asked. I'm glad that he isn't afraid of telling the truth.

"Sex can irritate the cervix and sometimes cause a small amount of blood. I'm going to recommend being on bed rest for a week then coming back for another check up to re-evaluate."

"And you're sure there are two babies in there?" I asked one more time, still shocked.

"Yes, here is Baby A's heartbeat," She said just before turning the volume on, "and here is baby B's heart rate. Both completely normal." A smile formed on her face as she looked over at me and Chibs.

"So I see you two have gotten close." She chuckled a bit, "Jax told me you guys were staying together but he wasn't sure what exactly was going on"

"Aye, I would say we have gotten rather close," Chibs replied with a smirk to which I jokingly slapped his arm lightly.

"Any questions?" She asked as she took the probe away, wiping the cool gel off my stomach and biting the print button sending the pictures to the attached printer at the bottom of the cart.

"Nope." I pulled my shirt down and sat up.

"Okay, if you need anything, feel free to call. Make sure to rest, I'll let Gemma know you won't be able to work this week." She grabbed the pictures and handed them to Chibs as I fixed my shirt.

"Thanks for all this Tara," I heard Chibs say.

"No problem," she replied as she walked to the door and closed it behind her as she left.

"Twins. I'm having twins," I quietly said, more so to myself then to Chibs.

"Aye, two wee ones in there." He smiled as he placed his hand over my stomach.

"Listen, I know this changes things, double the money needed double the time if you want me out I'll..."

"The only thing this changes is that we have two babies to love instead of one," he reassured me with a genuine smile on his face. "Like I said before, I want you with me. I don't want you taking care of these babies by yourself," he continued, still smiling at me. "And I love having you around," he added, helping me off the table then wrapping his arms around me pulling me close.

"Thanks so much, I honestly would be so lost without you," I whispered, nuzzling my head into his neck.

He pulled away and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll always be here fer ye, Torri," he softly whispered against my lips before pulling me in for another kiss.

I know this one is a little shorter then usual but so much happened. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! thanks for reading =)

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