Good Dae

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Kongpob woke up with Arthit’s hand shoved onto his face. He mostly got used to it by now having been dating for more than 3 years. Sometimes he’d wake up with Arthit’s legs slung on his midsection, or on some cases a hand under his shirt. One time he was abruptly awaken by an elbow to his nose.

    It was one of those quirks that Kongpob thought was cute of his boyfriend – well . . . anything Arthit does was cute to him anyway.

    He slowly detatched Arthit’s hand from his face, peering over to notice his boyfriend still fast asleep with his mouth opened and his other hand on his exposed stomach. Kongpob didn’t know what happened to their blanket and frankly he wasn’t surprised if it ended up at the foot of his bed.

    Kongpob found it on the floor when he walked around over Arthit’s side. He placed it over his sleeping boyfriend before getting ready for his morning run.

    He felt like he needed to disperse this negative energy making house on his chest from last night’s mess.

    At the back of his mind he wondered how Dae was doing.


When he opened the door of his dorm he found a towel and his clothes neatly folded at the floor. Kongpob looked around but there was no one to be found. It was still early in the morning anyway.

    He figured Dae must have left his things sometime last night or earlier.

    Kongpob didn’t want to put too much into it – he didn’t want to ruin his morning by thinking of negative things. So, he went to his usual jog near the dormitories.

    He usually passed by the bus stop near to where he always ran – Kongpob would take a minutes rest over there when he needed to. This time when he took a quick stop by the station he found a water bottle sitting on the corner of the bench.

    Kong ignored it at first until he noticed the note stuck into it.

    It was addressed to him.

    He furrowed his brows and looked around. There were no other people there besides the elderly taking their morning walks, and his usual jogging buddies were not around.

    Kongpob could only think of Dae which gave him this conflicted feeling.

    He must be around.

    The idea of Dae watching him kind of creep him out; he didn’t want to think that Dae would be that kind of person who would stalk someone because of an obsession. Despite what Arthit had seen on Dae’s planner last night, Kongpob wanted to give Dae the benefit of the doubt. He didn’t know the contents of the said planner – Kongpob hadn’t seen it for himself, and sometimes there’s more to something than meets the eye.

But this water bottle with his name on it wasn’t helping his junior’s case.

    He took the water bottle nonetheless. And if Dae happened to see him from wherever that junior of his was hiding then so be it.

    After chugging the whole bottle he went back to his run, looking around as he did watching for any signs of Dae but there was none.



Kongpob already felt better after his morning run. He went to the cafeteria to buy their breakfast before heading back to his room.

    He wanted to appease Arthit by inviting him to watch a movie with him later at the mall. Hopefully it would be enough to distract his boyfriend.

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