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it's been 10 mins I'm walking and

I'm already tired it's freeziiiiing

I'm gonna get sick I know that it's
all bc of him! While walking I saw
a car passing I can't see anything
bc of its lighting , it stopped why

did it stop.... ?:"y/n !", wait is that..

.. Daniel!!!, :" OMG Daniel ! ", I ran

to him and hugged him :" thanks

god you come! ", Daniel :" I was

searching for you once we knew

what did jack do ", :"I'm gonna kill
him one day... ", Daniel :"get in

the car " I did like he said and

went inside the car , Daniel :"you

look gorgeous tonight " , :" thank

you " I smiled at him,  Daniel :"are
you cold? ", :" y-yes...", he gave me
his jacket, :" that's sweet of you

thank you ", Daniel :" nah that's

fine ", we drove off  :" I don't

understand why does he hate

me?, did I do something wrong? ",
Daniel :"

no but the thing that made him

hate you is that you are

controlling him and he hates

people telling him what to do ", :"

but I'm doing this just for his guys are so nice but

jack is so different...", Daniel :"just
with you..", :"that's unfair... ",

Daniel :"he will get used to you

with time ", :" that's what his

mom said... "......

I arrived to the party I can hear

the music, Daniel went out from

the car and came to my side to

open the door for me what a

gentleman :" Thank you dani ",

Daniel smiled :"dani? ", :" don't

you like It? ", Daniel :" no I really

like it ", I smiled at him...we

walked in to the house peaple

dancing and screaming

everywhere , I was searching

with my eyes for Jack since he's

the reason why I came to this

party I need to keep watching

him, :" Dani where are they? ",

Daniel :" over there " he pointed

at a table I walked toward them.

While Daniel following me " ,

Daniel :" I found her ", they

looked at us, Zach who was

cuddling with a girl moved away

from her and got up and came to

me :" y/n !" he hugged me , I

smiled and at him , Zach :" I'm

happy you came btw you look hot
af ", :haha thank you Zachary ",

Jonah :"hey beautiful ", :" hey

Jonah ", I looked at jack who

didn't even care to look at me if

I'm here or not I think he's busy

with the two girls he's sitting

with... I rolled my eyes and asked
:"where is corbyn? ", Jonah :" he's

over there " he pointed at him, he
was talking to a girl , Daniel waved at

him when he saw us he came

holding hands with the girl she's

beautiful really beautiful, corbyn :

"omg y/n nice to meet you again

!", :" me too! ", corbyn :" christina

that's y/n Jack's babysitter that I

told you about ", christina came

toward me and hugged me :" oh

really! Hi y/n ", :" hi christina!"

christina :" you are really

beautiful ! ", :" Aww thank you so

are you! ", christina :" I'm corbyn's
girlfriend btw " she smiled , :"

that's so cute couple Goals" ,

christina :" Aww thank you ",

Zach said while hugging me :

"don't we look good

me and y/n christina?", Christina
said Laugung :'" really good ",

Zach :" see! Y/n let's date!", Jonah
:"Zach how many girls are you

dating until now? ", Zach :"I have

no idea " we laughed, :" no one of

you is serious in relationships

but corbyn look he has one

girlfriend " , Zach :" but I can't

love just one that's really hard...",

Jonah :" yeah really... ", :" it's bc

you still didn't find your true love
those girls that you're dating are

just girls that you like not a true

love ", Zach :"when am I gonna

find my true love then? ", :" I don't
know it comes by itself that

person will be really special for

you , that person will be the only

person that you will think and

care about , you will feel feelings

that you never felt before while

looking at him..." I have no idea

why I said this while looking at

jack...., Zach :" wow this is the

first  time I feel affected ", Jonah :

"same here ", :"bc what I just said

is 100% true", corbyn :" can you

stop this and start dancing? ",

Zach :"YAAAAS!!! ", without

warning Zach took my hand and

took me with him :" Zach I don't

wanna dance....", Zach :" no dance
come on! ", :"ugh okey " I started

dancing with him....

While dancing I looked at the

table where we were sitting

searching for Jack but.... Where

is he! I kept looking around but

he's not here....ugh I need to see

where is he :" Zach I'll be back ",

he said Okey so I left searching

for Jack....
To be continued :)

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