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A/N: This is a chapter that happens when they are taking a break from playing.

Mettaton and Undyne
Mettaton was sitting in his house, holding a picture of him, Undyne, and Blooky. He sighed. A knock on his door echoed through his room. Mettaton got up and opened the door slightly. When he saw Undyne he gave her a cold glare.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Hey Mettaton..." Undyne rubbed her arm while saying so. "Can I come in?" She requested.

Mettaton opened the door to let Undyne in. He then closed it, looked at her, then crossed his arms.

"Spill it" He said impatiently.

"I just wanted to say sorry for killing you, Mettaton. I was just really caught up in my rage that I slashed you immediately..."
Undyne apologized kept on rubbing her arm.

Mettaton was shocked to hear that.
He frowned and rubbed his arm as well.


"No Undyne, it was my fault..." Undyne looked up to see him.

"If I hadn't betrayed you, non of this would have even happened, and like last time, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Well," Undyne spoke up.

"I accept your apology"

"Really?" Mettaton asked. "Yes really"

Mettaton ran up to Undyne and hugged her.
Undyne was shocked that Mettaton hugged her. She smiled and hugged back.

Asgore and Napstablook
Napstablook was arranging his mixes alphabetically. He saw Undyne and Mettaton FINALLY befriended each other. He smiled at the thought of that. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Napstablook checked the peep hole and saw Asgore holding a box of golden flower tea. After that, he opened the door.

"Howdy Napstablook!" He greeted Napstablook. "hi asgore..." He greeted back.

Asgore went in and saw everything inside his house.
"What a lovely place you have here" He complimented.
"thanks, i guess," Napstablook thanked.
"anyway, what are you doing here..?" He asked.
"Well, I have a box of my favorite tea, but it seems that everyone is busy, so I decided to go to you since you are never that busy" Asgore explained. Napstablook frowned.
"Oh! I didn't mean to make you sad." He apologized.
"it's okay..."
"We can have some while we talk,'
Napstablook sighed.
"You can tell me whats wrong"
"let me make the tea first" Napstablook offered.
"Oh ho ho! How generous of you."
Napstablook smiled a little bit.

A/N: Sorry if this is a bit short, I can't think of anything else.

Undertale Plays - Murder MysteryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon