Execution Center - #4

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Place: Alphys' Lab
Killer: Papyrus
Sheriff: Chara

Chara's POV
I dropped on the ground and landed on a weird bed thingy upstairs. A gun dropped on my lap, so I inspected it. Its handle has green and yellow stripes while the other parts are light grey. Looks alot like a Knife

I decided to call it Genotrap.

I got down from the bed. After that, I felt tap on my shoulder coming from behind me. I swiftly turned around and aimed at the person who tapped me.

"Chara! It's just me!" Asriel said as he raised both paws up high.

"Oh, it's just you," I sighed and de armed myself.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked him.

"I was looking for you, y'know, so we can work together," I smiled.

"Now that I know that you're the sheriff, we can defeat the killer together!" He yelled and raised his paw in the air.

"Okay" I casually said. We both explored the lab.

Undyne's POV
I don't know what to do! He's right in front of me... The look of betrayal. I was backed up in the corner of the elevator, without hesitation he slashed me right through.

A spark of red flashed in his eye as he turned around and walked away. Cleaning his knife using his scarf. Why Papyrus? Why...?

My vision slowly darkened while I turned to dust. I transformed into a ghost and had saddened look at Papyrus.

Alphys' POV
"Undyne? UNDYNNNNE!" I yelled out.
"HEEELPPP!" I heard a familiar scream in the elevator. I pressed the button that opens the elevator. It opened up.

The elevator was dark. I entered in, trying to find Papyrus. I saw dust everywhere. Maybe he's been murdered! I hear crackling  behind me. I turned around and saw Papyrus with a murderous look.

My eyes widen, I backed up. I stepped on something. I looked at it. It was Undyne's eyepatch. I looked at Papyrus nervously.

"Goodbye, Alphys" Papyrus said before stabbing me.

"Why...?" I asked him before dropping to the ground.

"That's what Undyne asked me" Papyrus said as he went out.

He's turned insane

Napstablook's POV
I floated around the lab, going through stuff until I bumped into Toriel.

"Oh my, you should be more careful!" Toriel chuckled.

"oh, i'm so sorry. im gonna go now" I turned around to leave, but suddenly Toriel put her paw over my head and turned me around.

"And if Asgore talks to you, I WILL talk to him" Toriel said the "Will" so loud it sounded like a threat.

I nodded and rushed off.

I went upstairs and heard Papyrus and Asgore talking near the bookshelves.

I peeked.

"You are acting very weird today Papyrus" Asgore told him.

"I don't know, am I?"

"Umm, I think I have to go now-" Asgore tries to go but Papyrus pulled out his knife and slashed him swiftly.

Killer: Papyrus
Sheriff: Chara

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