The 131st Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!

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The 131st Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!


The poem written yesterday has been published today. Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!

This is the 131st published on today since my first published poem in September 2016. 

I have allowed all the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

Here is the link to my published writings on ChristArt, Inc., USA:

This is the poem:

Title: Year's End
Description: Great end to a tough year
Category: Trials & Challenges Poetry

Year's End
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu


A year has gone by
And now at its end
I have suffered and tried
But still joy is its end

The greatness of my Lord
Is what I have seen
His glory and honor
Is all that it's been

Grateful for the trials
Thankful for His Grace
I will go on with a smile
In whatever I face

Songs From My Heart to Jesus 7Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant