The 139th Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!

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The 139th Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!


Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!

This is the 139th poem published on today since my first published poem in September 2016. 

I have allowed all the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

Here is the link to my published writings on ChristArt, Inc., USA:

This is the poem:

Title: Beautiful
Description: Transformed in the trials and challenges of life
Category: Trials & Challenges Poetry

By Dr Marilyn Bouniu


During those times of trouble
Numbed were my senses
I did not see any beauty
I could not give much praises

I struggled through those times
Not knowing how to get through
But I have seen that in every time
You were the One who got me through

Finally reaching the other side
I see all things beautiful
Although still in a bumpy ride
My senses are now full

O how much I have missed
Along the rough and tough way
But now I shall never miss
Rejoicing and praising You everyday

Though the trials and challenges remain
But my heart and mind have transformed
Fully steadfast and determined to aim
That of which You desire of me to become

Songs From My Heart to Jesus 7Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant