Guiding Light

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Guiding Light

By Dr Marilyn Bouniu

It is to my delight

To receive this invitation

In order to recite

A poem as a dedication

On this auspicious day

To celebrate the CPD Award Day

We're gathered here today

To reflect and project for a better way

CPD is our guiding light

To greater professionalism

Let this be our dear plight

To further development

Let our every step

Be right and full

Let our every thought

Be wise and true

Let every opportunity

Be grasped in full

Let every precious commodity

Be used in full

Let us be willing to impart

Let us embrace all counterparts

Let us share of what is hard

Let us learn with open hearts

We have all been given

By the Lord God Almighty

The wisdom to perform

Our professional duty

Let us be directed by God

The one guiding light who is true

Let us all bring glory to God

By excelling in all we do 

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