The Real Deal

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The Real Deal
By Dr Marilyn Bouniu


Do you see the world out there
The many who are blinded and lost
Shall we not go out to share
And pull them out at all costs

There are those who completely
Do not know the Lord at all
Never in their lives have they clearly
Been told of this Saviour for all

There are those who know about Jesus
But do not know Him as Lord and Saviour
They have not been redeemed by His precious
Blood that has been shed in our favour

There are those who seem to know
But the enemy blinds and deceive
Because they do not fully know
Their hearts cannot truly receive

There are those who know
But do not believe
Their hearts are somehow
Hardened to receive

There are those who know Jesus
But do not live righteous
They do not follow Jesus
And do not obey His Word

There are those who follow Jesus
But many are not at all perfect
Love, forgive and be gracious
We are all a work in progress

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