The 132nd Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!

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The 132nd Poem Published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!


Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!

This is the 132nd poem published on today since my first published poem in September 2016. 

I have allowed all the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

Here is the link to my published writings on ChristArt, Inc., USA:

This is the poem:

Title: Mighty
Description: The Lord is mighty
Category: Trials & Challenges Poetry

By Dr Marilyn Bouniu


On grey cloudy days
You bring beautiful blue skies
Flowers bloom along the way
And my troubles seem to fly

On cold winter nights
I find warmth in Your love
Every concern takes flight
To my majesty high above

Though the days
Are cold and cloudy
My heart is not swayed
For You, my Lord, are mighty

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