stockholm syndrome (4)

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In came 6 young men with guns and weapons.

"Wow look over here, a party! Haven't seen you guys since college, besides Jaeminnie over there."

"Cut the crap Renjun, let go of Lilac," Mark spoke sternly, gripping onto his sharpened dagger.

"Hey hey, chillax. Why don't we catch up a bit? No one's hurt or anything, right Lils?"

All the attention diverted to Lilac, who was restricted by Renjun's hand grasping her wrist. She nodded her head as tears dripped from her eyes.

"See? She's fine."

Jaemin walked up to Renjun, holding a pistol to his face. He spoke, "Let go of Lilac, or die."

The other boys tried to hold him back while signaling him to not let his emotions take a control, but Jaemin could only hear himself.

Renjun, pulling out a pistol from his back pocket, puts the tip towards Lilac's head, securing his hand on the trigger.

"Well sir, if you so happen to shoot me, I'll make sure my glock goes through your wife's damn head."

The scene hit a stalemate; Jaemin and Renjun continued to glare at each other, making sure one doesn't move an inch.

Renjun jerked in pain however, as his back arched and he collapsed to the floor.
As he landed face first, there was a pocket knife plunged to his back.

Jisung, who was closet to the body, quickly took the gun from the groaning Renjun and shot him in the head immediately. The boys all gasped in shock, almost afraid.

"Shit fuck oh my god," she spoke in the midst of sighing in relief.

Jaemin ran to hug her tightly while letting tears stream from his face. The other boys ran and hugged her and Jaemin as well.

"Thank you so much for cooperating Jisungie!" she said thrillingly while letting go of the other hugs from the boys.

"Wait, what?" Jeno questioned.

"Oh yeah... what had happened was.." Jisung started.


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