Chapter 7. Two Deadly Fists and Two Victims

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"Are you sure that you are ready for this?" Ryuu asked me in a serious tone.

"I am more than ready," I said with a grin on my face. "I am just going to shove it in." Ryuu nodded his head in agreement and allowed me to do my business. Swiftly, I punched my fist into the wall. After a few moments of grasping around, I was able to pull our Mistake out of the wall. 

Somehow, Mistake had gotten lost in one of the walls of Ryuu's apartment. Both of us panicked in horror as we realized what had happened and questioned how it happened in the first place. Despite the fact that we were both curious, we kept our curiosity at bay for that point in time so we could plan a way to retrieve Mistake from the wall, with safety of course. Our baby's safety was the number one priority of the situation. 

We quickly discussed what to do to save our poor child. It was then that I took responsibility for my bad parenting. Mistake was technically supposed to be in my care at that point in time, so I knew I needed to step up and face the music. 

"I think I got him," slowly, I pulled my slightly bloody hand out of the wall with Mistake in its grasp. Our beautiful child was a bit dusty, but otherwise they looked completely fine. 

"Oh Mistake, how I have missed you so much." Ryuu sang as he picked up his child and tightly held Mistake in his arms. "Your father and I are very sorry that we let you get into such a scary place." He cooed but then stopped for a moment to raise an eye brow. "How did you get into the wall in the first place?" Mistake squirmed around for his response. 

"Did they just use that tone with us?" In disbelief, I inquired to Ryuu. Slowly, Ryuu nodded his head. We both then grinned as we realized that Mistake was picking up the art of sass. 

It was then that Ryuu and I decided to go out for a family dinner to celebrate Mistake's safety and new found sass. He and I both smiled happily was we walked down his village with Mistake in my arms. He would point out things to me and tell me many stories of amusing things that have happened in his village. 

"This old man was so surprised to find out that I was not his granddaughter." Ryuu said and shook his head from side to side as he tsked. "The guy he was going to pair me up with was a cutie. It was such a shame." He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted a bit. 

Mistake squirmed in my arms and I rolled my eyes at the bug. He had gotten much larger over the past year. He was the length of my forearm and was on the chubby side for his species. From our perspective, that meant there was more of him to love. 

It was not until the third hour of us walking around together that we came across somebody that Ryuu knew quite well. 

"This loser is my sensai." Ryuu said and the poor woman face palmed and sighed at his words. 

"Ryuu," she said in a weary tone. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against a building. "I have been your sensei for years, why do you insist on calling me a loser?" 

Ryuu put his hands up and waved them in the sky dramatically. "I am just keeping the truth out to the world so everybody knows." He put a hand on his heart and looked towards the sunset. "Even if you are lame and a loser, the world must kn-Ow!" He yelped in pain as he was flung to a wall of a building. His hand went to his bloody nose. "That always hurts." 

His sensei was impressive. Speedily, she had performed hand signs and slammed her palms on the ground. A fist rose up from the ground and punched Ryuu in the face. I looked at the lady in awe. 

"You need to always be on guard; also I am not a loser." Coolly, she explained as she crossed her arms over her chest again and glanced at me. "Do you insist on calling me a loser too?" 

There were not many times in my life where I had been silent from awe at something, but that was one of those moments. It took me a few moments to find words to say, "No, please teach me how to do that." I said and bowed in respect. "I will do my best to make no butt jokes around you." 

She raised an eye brow at me. "Why should I show my techniques to someone of a different village?" 

Because I am as cool as can be, no wait, that is a bad reason. I thought to myself and mentally face palmed. Confidently, I put my hands on my hips and leaned forward a bit. "I am not asking for you to give me all of your secrets, I am simply asking about your earth jutsus. You do not have to teach me any fancy ones; I just want to learn more about earth jutsus." 

Ryuu whined as he came back to us. "If it helps, she is the father of my child too." He said as he rubbed his face after a few groans of pain. An annoyed glare was sent to his sensei from him. "There is no need to punch me so hard. I think my brain just imploded." He then laid down on the ground. "I am down for the count. Tell Mistake I love them and that they will always make me proud. Except for that one time they did not save me from dying," he then took a small pause to add one a few more words to add dramatic effect. "Which is right now, if you were wondering when that was." 

The woman sighed as she looked from Ryuu to me. "I guess having another one of you would not injury my brain too much." 

I grinned as I celebrated with a fist bump. "Booyah!" 

"You say that now," she stated with a small grin on her face. "Just wait until our session tomorrow." 


"So these terms will be finalized ones?" Neji asked the Tsuchikage the next day, as we both sat in seats across from the tiny old man. It had taken a few hours to agree with trading, that took two hours for us to convince the Tsuchikage to exchange some of their special minerals with us. Lady Tsunade gave us specific directions on which trades were needed and which ones would be a bonus if we received them. 

Against my better judgment, I did not attempt to seduce the Tsuchikage. I had really wanted to, but knew it was not such a swell idea to do so. Especially in front of Neji, I could sense that he would have lost his patience with me and finally stabbed me right then and there. 

"I believe so," The Tsuchikage responded as he stroked his chin. "These will be good enough and should suffice until I meet with Lady Tsunade." 

Neji nodded his head. "Thank you for your time." He said humbly.

"You are welcome, thank you for your time as well." The old man said. Neji turned towards me and I could tell he wanted me to thank him. 

"Thank you for not starting a third ninja world." I said after having an inner war in my mind. My sassy side had won with sheer force. It was a bit terrifying how determined it was. "You're not as big of a jerk as you could be right now." 

Right then and there, Neji stabbed me. Except instead of using a kunai, he used his eyes. Never before had I received such a deadly glare in my life. I was so sure that he was going to stab me with as soon as the meeting had ended. Quickly, I tried to cover my tracks. 

"I mean, thank you for your time." Frantically, I said and waved my arms around. Oh great, just leave it to me to mess something up. I need to fix this quick. "Sorry about the rude comments, you can hit me if you want." 

The Tsuchikage was deadly quiet for a few moments before he nodded his head. Within a blink of an eye, I was punched so hard I hit the wall of his office. I could hear the wood behind my back crunch from the impact. "All is forgiven. However, Lady Tsunade needs to teach you some more manners." I nodded my head as I coughed. 

"I know," I squeaked out. 


Oh gosh, I was so worried I would not get this chapter out since I had so much writers block this week. Roleplaying Homestuck has taken over my life along with school now. Thankfully, I have learned quickly that I cannot try to write and roleplay at the same time, it just does not work. Did you guys notice my change in writing style for this chapter? Roleplaying man. 

Anyways, how are all of you guys? c: How is school? How are those of you who are not in school? What did you think of this chapter? Was everybody in character? What is that new thing you are really into and want to ramble about? Because I will hardcore listen to you guys since I am a rambler myself. 

I hope you have a wonderful day and smile a booty load lot. c: Farewell lovelies! 

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