Chapter 9. Ready to Mess Things up

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"Let's enter this place now." I said with narrowed eyes. However, my gaze was not on my comrades, but instead the hideout path way in front of us. 

"Are we ready?" Neji questioned me with his eye brows furrowed together when I glanced back at him. 

"We're as ready as we'll ever be." My vision was then focused at that pathway. The lightness faded more and more as one moved in deeper. That might be a bit of trouble. 

"Good enough." 

Once those two words were said, the four of us began to run into the pathway. Soon, our vision became blackened and we slowed down until we stopped. Neji's byakugan was activated and he started to pour out where everything of danger was. 

How did I go from the Rock Village to one of Orochimaru's hideouts? It was quite simple and not as complicated as it could have been. Then again, most of my life was simple and not too complicated. Except switching universes, but the old world seemed like a dream. My train of thought went a bit off since I was supposed to be explaining what had happened. 

Suzu began to tell me about some rumors she had heard about the whereabouts of a possible hide out of Orochimaru's after our training was done. The last day I was there consisted of us discussing the awfulness of Orochimaru and how he deserved to die a painful death. 

Revenge was a crazy thing. 

Ryuu and I did spend some time together with Mistake as we explored the village together. There were plenty of butt jokes that kept us amused for hours upon hours. We were the typical happy-go lucky filled with butt jokes family that all families aspired to be. How lucky we were. 

Once I reached the village I began to discuss with Lady Tsunade the news that I had learned. Sadly, convincing her to invest a mission into the rumors was a bit more difficult than expected. There was a look of skepticism on her face as I tried to explain it to her. 

"Think about it, we have a new lead on Orochimaru. We haven't had one of those in such a booty long time." I whined to her with each word whinier than the last. 

She rolled her eyes then arched an eye brow. Her chin was then rested on her hands as her eyes began to narrow at me. "Do you not know about the newest mission I sent the rest of Team Seven out on? If you're trying to look for Orochimaru, then your ass would be looking at the wrong place." 

My hands went on my hips as I took a step towards her desk. My balanced had a match of ping pong with the front and the back of my feet since I kept leaning forwards then backwards. The bottom right of my lip was bitten as I tried to think of what to say next. "Well, think of it this way: There will be new knowledge about Orochimaru. If you are confident about him being tracked down on Team Sevens mission, which is great. We have a real chance here to gather some more information on him though. There is the possibility of freeing some of the people he has imprisoned." 

"So that is your true goal of this mission?" She questioned me without missing a beat. I froze for a second in worry. I cannot allow this to not happen. I need to try to find Momoko and destroy Orochimaru. 

"What if we were to destroy the hideout?" I avoided her question. "Of course we would save the people we could first. It would be a sign that he can't mess with people. That we can find out things about him without him knowing. Things are going to change and his ass is going to be kicked." 

Lady Tsunade looked deeply into my eyes after those words came out of my mouth. "You're after revenge." 

"It's this revenge that is going to drive me to do my best on this mission." The cat was out of the bag. There was no hiding that I wanted some revenge on Orochimaru. "I know that revenge has driven some people on my team to crazy lengths, but I have no interest in learning from Orochimaru. If it wasn't obvious, it is the exact opposite of what I want to do because I have a few things I need to teach Orochimaru." 

"Despite the fact that he would not be present at that hideout, it is still dangerous. It is an ANBU leveled mission and you are just a Chunin." 

A grin appeared on my face as I realized the brilliant corner that Tsunade had accidentally backed herself into without even noticing. "Naruto is a Genin and he is going after Orochimaru in a way." 

Her jaw dropped in shock that I had remembered that fact. Actually, it seemed more of that she was surprised to realize that Naruto was still a Genin. Her eye brows began to twitch as she kept her eyes closed. Suddenly, her fist slammed on the desk and I jumped while I flailed my arms around. She glared at me with her lips pressed firmly together to form a straight line. 

"Fine, you win. Do you have any suggestions for who this mission should be with?" I did a small dance of victory and happiness. Suck my butthole Orochimaru. I was a true winner. 

"Neji Hyuga." I said and saw her arch an eye brow with a smug smile on her face. 

"You are growing up pretty quick you know." She began to shuffle some papers around on her desk. "You are really thinking like a ninja and how to make good decisions to make your mission work. It's hard to believe you're not as stupid as you are when I first saw you." A vein formed on my forehead. "You were so stupid." 

My teeth were clenched together for a few seconds before I laughed it off. "So does this mean I have a mission to look forward to?" 

"Only if you can handle it," 

A grin of victory was on my face as my hands went on my hips. "Trust me, if somebody needs reassurance of handling things it would be Orochimaru." 

It was then decided that I was to go on a mission and head towards one of Orochimaru's hideouts. When Neji heard about being involved with it he seemed a bit excited to be on a top level mission, well, as excited as Neji would allow himself to show. However, that little bit of excitement almost vanished when he was told that he would go on the mission with me. I remembered the look of slight disgust as he glanced at me and back at Tsunade. 

"Lady Tsunade, with all respect I have for you, I think this is a bad decision. She is not leveled as a Jonin and this is a Jonin or ANBU leveled mission. You are completely aware of that." 

Man, Neji was surprised to find out that Tsunade had my back. "Mika was the one that came to me with this knowledge and has shown her seriousness for this mission. She is aware of the risks of this mission." 

He gave me a look. I could tell that he was trying to see if I was ready for this mission or not. "Neji, if I get myself into some bad spot and jeopardize the mission, you are allowed to leave me behind to die in order to make the mission move forward." 

He appeared surprised at my words and looked at Tsunade who had a smug look on her face again. The Hyuga man looked between the two of us for a few moments before he let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine," 

In celebration, I fist pumped and skipped over to hug him. "Don't worry Neji, this mission will be filled with some good old quality time that we really need. We will be closer than a family of bears." He sighed again in defeat while Tsunade still had the smug look on her face. 

"Just make sure the mission is a success. If you are serious about destroying Orochimaru, take all the information that you can and destroy the place. Save people if you can, you know which kind of people to save though." Those were the last word Tsunade said to us before we left on our mission. 

"I plan on it." 

It was not difficult to meet up with the other two team members at the Western Gate. They seemed to be pretty nice fellows. The type of fellows that had a hardcore bromance that I admired on many levels. We did not spend much time jumping into our mission plans and our goals for the mission. There were other plans discussed what would happen in certain situations if they happened. 

We were ready to mess things up. 

"Ready or not, things are going to be wrecked." A mischievous grin was on my face as we began to run deeper into the hideout.  I was ready. 


I am so sorry for being so slow with updates! School has just made me pressed for time and I just become stressed over things. I will try to update more. :c I hope you guys are doing swell though. How is school? How is life? What did you think of this chapter? What do you think about the direction this story is going in? Anything new with you guys? (: 

Have a wonderful day and smile. Farewell!

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