Chapter 10. A Trap

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Oh snap. Oh snap. Oh snap.


"Mika shut up, nothing has happened at all." Neji sent me a glare and I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck. 

"Sorry, I just wanted to make things more interesting." Neji opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off as I waved my right hand. "I know, I need to be quiet and focus on the mission. I got that." 

He huffed at me and rolled his eyes. Oh Neji, that majestic stallion. 

When we first began to enter the hide out we ran with urgency. However, Neji pointed out to us that running was not in our best interest and we put ourselves more at risk while running. He made some very good and vaild points. There was the possibility of us causing too much noise and being caught by someone. It was possibly that we could run into a trap and seal our fate right then and there. It was odd though, we had been at the hideout for over an hour and had not encountered a trap or anything. 

"Guys, I think something's off." My voice was as quiet as possible when those words came out. 

"What makes you say that?" One of the other fellows asked. I think is name was Arata. He looked like a chump with brown hair and brown eyes. The fellow just gave off the chumpy vibe. 

"We haven't ran into anything and it has been an hour. Something is off about this place." 

"M-Maybe it's a gh-" Atsushi began to speak but was cut off by Arata. 

"I swear, if you say it's a ghost somebody is getting punched." We learned quickly that those two had been friends for years. They had a hardcore bromance going on that I had only dreamed of achieving. 

Poor Atsushi stutters again with a red face. "Uh, no. I was most certainly not going to say that." His head shook from side to side as he also waved his arms around. "Instead I was, uh, going to say god?" Oh poor Atsushi. That fellow tried but failed. 

Arata snorted and rolled his eyes. "Okay, yeah sure. I will believe that for now." He then glanced around and nodded his head. "Something does seem off though." 

"We've been put under a genjutsu." Neji's byakugan was actived and scoped the area around us. "I should have noticed from the start. Whoever put us under this jutsu knows exactly what they are doing." 

Arata, Neji, and Atsushi began to meditate to attempt to get out of there. However, I had a quicker plan that was a bit on the painful side, but it felt like a better idea. There was a crunch from and pinky finger on my right hand. The area around me began to wave and reality was then kicked back in. I had hoped that she would be in a hallway still, but I was wrong. 

Instead we were surrounded by test subjects that were ready to kill. 

When I looked over at the others, I saw that they were still meditating. Gosh darn it, I am going to have to be a hero. I had the enthusiam and attitude needed to save them. My fingers began to perform hand signs and gosh darn it hurt like a bear's bite when my pinky was jabbed at by my other fingers. My hands slapped the ground and a dome formed around them. I took a protective stance as I jumped on top of the dome to look at all of the enemies. 

"None of us have to fight, guys. We can just all sit down and talk about our feelings. How does that sound?" One of them snarled at me and I nervously laughed. "Or, we free you guys." 

"How do you plan on freeing any of us? None of us want to be set free from our Lord Orochimaru." I shuddered at the prisoner's words. They were being brutually honest with each word that they said. I did not expect some of them to adore Orochimaru. That did set my plan back a bit. 

I exhaled heavily before I spoke, in order to gather my thoughts. "Well, there are a few options you have. Leave us alone and die later on due to natural causes, or-" My words cut off when I realized what I was saying. They were people who were ready to kill anybody against Orochimaru. There was no way we could bring them out of hiding and expect them to be kind citizens. "Are there any of you who are ready to be escaped?" 

The only response I received was snickering at my hope. Maybe she's here. Maybe I can get her back. "Is there a girl named Momoko here?" 

Again, my only response was snickering. "You think we pay attention to everybody that comes in here?" More snickers were created from that comment. My patientce began to run low. I messed up. Everybody deserves a second chance. Where's mine? 

I began to snarl at them and my breath became orotund. "You guys have spent enough time in here, you should be able to have some sort of idea!" A hand clapped onto my shoulder and I jumped. My head whipped to the side to see that Neji had gotten himself out of the genjutsu. 

"We have a mission to focus on here. If needed too, we will leave you behind." I forced myself to nod my head as my eye brows furrowed together. I did make a promise. This is so unfair though, Momoko is a nice kid who deserves to live. 

One sentence made me almost lose my cool. "Oh wait, I might remember that name. That's weird, because I never remember the names of dead people." More snickers filled the air. My whole body shook in anger for a few moments before I became completely still. My fists were clenched and became unclenched, howevere my eyes remained closed. 

"Neji, we have a mission to do. Let's blow this popcicle stand." My eyelids flew open and I pulled a kunai out. "Would we consider this a level six?" Neji nodded his head and I grinned. "Time for a big boom."  

Swiftly, I threw the kunai into the air then threw another one right at the kunai. There was an explosion and everything turned white for a few seconds. Neji and I did not waste any time grabbing the other two and running in a different direction. Both of us ran along the walls with speedy feet. One look behind us and I could see them attempting to sent fire our way. 

"Suck on this!" My hands began to perform hand signs and I flipped myself to land on the ground. My sweaty palms slide across the ground as I pumped chakra into the ground. Seconds later, there was a three foot wall between us and the enemies. "This should last for a few seconds." There was no time wasted as I hustled after Neji. 

We began to take turns in many different directions. A few moments later, our teammates woke up. My oh-so gentle way of letting one of them down was to drop him onto the ground. "Whoops, my bad." He yelped as he hit the ground with shocked his, albeit he did not waste any time getting back up and following after us. 

"You guys ready?" I inquired with my eye brows furrowed together. 

"Ready for what?" 

"Ready for life. I care about you guys, and just wanted to check up on you." Neji had a small vein of frustration form on his head but I waved my right hand to shoosh him before he spoke. "I know, I know, most of what I say is unnecessary. I just thought I would at least show some common courtesy and ask you what's up." 

He rolled his eyes and bit his lip before he spoke. "Up ahead should be a laboratory with many chemicals, organs and extra things. We have to take it easy in there." 

All of us nodded our heads and slowed down our pace to a light jog. A minute later, we opened a door and entered a large laboratory with a lot of things I never thought I would see. It was a bit digusting and the fact that there was some unkown liquids on certain areas of the floor did not help. 

Wow Kabuto. Nice to know you can't clean up after yourself. My head shook from side to side with disappointment. What a lame butt. 

"I suggest we follow through with a code yellow." One of the fellows said and I grinned. 

It was time to take what we could and then burn the place to the ground. 


Yoooo. How is everybody? How is life? How is school? Did you read the ending of Naruto? If you talk about the ending of Naruto, please put in caps the word SPOILERS at the top of your comment so others don't accidentally read them. Is there anything new with anybody? I am so sorry for the slow updates. Life has truly been an experience. 

P.s. No editing this chapter because I wanted to get it out asap. 

Have a wonderful day and smile. c: Farewell lovelies!

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