Chapter 2: Enter Ren Krawler of Devestation

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Chapter 2: Enter Ren Krawler of devastation


"Hey guys it's the awesome ones here at the imperial gates, the place where the first Bakugan was thought to have been seen. Dan, Wynton, Lia and lightning will find the secret to this long lost mystery", Dan spoke to the camera.

"This is gonna be so cool guys, the mystery of the temple!" Lia added.

"I love the meander patterns on the pillars and oak floored floors we're only missing the first Bakugan to ever appear", Wynton ended.

Soon they all approached the ancient temple Aphaia. The place looked like giant haunted jack in the box, which abandoned by the world for centuries. The building stood like a scare crow. Mould was growing everywhere, on the pillars, on the rocks outside the temple, in the prayer room of the temple and even between the wooden floors. It wasn't any normal mould however, the mould was a deep purple colour. It reflected the feel of dust and webs however remained a very luscious purple.

The awesome ones drove closer and closer to imperial gates of the monk Cyndy. The skies were clear at the time. Everyone was still excited for the type of content they were all going to get from this new place. They had the opportunity to make pranks, explore, find treasures and even take home some of the ancient mould. Lia hesitated for a moment. Their chauffeur (driver) who brought them suddenly speed back to town with his car - without warning. Lia caught there movements, however it was too late they already disappeared into the distance.

Aphaia welcomed them darkly with a winter breeze. The mould on the rocks outside the temple were swaying in the breeze like looming flowers on Remembrance Day (like poppies). "I think we should head back guys, I am getting anxious here", Lia started.

"We didn't go in yet, let's just take a look and we will be out, there is nothing to be afraid of I know what to do", Dan Kuzo (reboot one – remember his surname is Kuzo and the original Dan is Kuso the difference is between the s and z).

The arrival at the foot of the temple. It was the awesome ones against their worst threat. Clouds began to cover the sky and now it was clear there was something supernatural occurring.


The great temple of Aphaia, was a Greek temple created by the ancient Greek people, it was also a place where the disaster monk Cyndy lived. Aka the place where the first Bakugan was found, from the great collision.

Dan Kuzo woke up. He looked around him and saw his friends knocked out. He rushed over to his best friend Wynton first slapped him across the face, waking him up. "what happened to us?" Wynton asked.

"I have no idea." Dan Kuzo replied.

"Well we need to get out of here it's not safe." Lia

Wynton nodded his head, then went to lightning and picked him up and headed out of the temple.

"Lia when did you wake up?" Dan asked straight after you woke up Wynton.

"There's no use, you'll only find deserted land. There is nowhere to go. we aren't where you think. " someone said to them. He was a quiet slim, tall and white haired.

The Awesome Ones all turned around and faced the direction of this new individual. The male voice came from the summit of the fireplace in the centre of the temple. The voice was of a man someone, who sounded like they were a figure of authority. His teeth showed as he smiled at the awesome ones with evil intent. But he remained silent and unresponsive.

"Who are you? " Lia asked. She was now becoming impatient and scared. Her hands trembling and face widened and eyes beyond reassurance.

"Your nightmare and prison keeper" the strange man responded, as he lifted his arms and snapped his fingers.

Before he could react, "Bakugan brawl!" Dan, Wynton and Lia shouted. They were determined to escape, their faces were very serious, even Wynton couldn't come up with a joke to settle the disturbing mood.

"If you decide to resist you will regret, I am a Purger. Give me your Bakugan and I will let you go. Just the Darkus ones." the white haired lad (boy) threatened. Still with his arm in the air.

"How about. NO!" Lia shouting at him with full rage, then signalled an attack to Gorthion – this was whilst the white haired man dropped. His arms.

All the Awesome One's launched a Bakugan into attack. Drago, Trox, Gorthion began. Drago attacked using tail crusher, whilst Wynton went for a baku core and Gorthion went to the left of the cloaked man.

"Wrong move. Use ... linehalt. Continue the attack and reduce all these Bakugan to ashes," He said.

Then a random Bakugan came from behind the man and attacked Drago with purple lightning reducing Drago's b to .... , stopping Drago and also throwing Gorthion about 100 feet away from the battle field. The Bakugan was so quick Gorthion and Drago weren't able to block the full force of his attacks. Gorthion's power was reduced to 550 b. after dealing the damage to the two Bakugan he returned to the man. In response, the man jumped onto the Bakugan's shoulder.

Wynton finally got the Baku core to Trox, Trox's base b power rose from 600 to 750. "Trox ventis mirage" Wynton shouted. It was an ability of ventis Trox where he made his opponents see mirages (illusions). Wynton told Trox to follow up with rock lyser to deal damage. Although the attack reached Linehault it didn't do damage. There was no damage dealt the Bakugan was only pushed back slightly. "What kind of Bakugan hits their opponent but doesn't deal damage" Linehault, "your pathetic".


Lightning threw both his Bakugan into the air. CATCH. The man caught it. "Are you surprised? I saw you running behind us. I know you are the only one with Darkus Bakugan in this team. I just wanted for you to reveal yourself, damn dog". The man put the Bakugan into his bag. "Hey linehault use ... , and get these useless kids out of my way". The Bakugan used his ability and Dan, Wynton, Lia along with their Bakugan were sent flying across the desert. Lightning was the only one who wasn't booted away instead taken by the strange man along with all his Bakugan. 

As promised a new chapter i have one more for you guys before i start making them longer. if you don't already know i am cothan i ave a profile page check it out and not much else to say but the next chapter is a banger. you will love that one at least 10x more so make sure to add this to your reading lists. 

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