Chapter 5:

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Last time -
human Iumpesior arrived in neathia but his arrival didn't come easy.

Falling from the sky he had fractured a few bones in his body and he was hospitalised.
Unfortunately the Neathia had blue skin so they new he was from a different planet and so decided to call Fabia to deal with the situation.
He was unwilling to come operate so was released. Now he faces the darkness of the world. poverty.
What happens next is caused from the desperation of a normal teen.

"I got him" someone said in the darkness. The man locked iumpesior in a head lock, tipped him to the floor and was strangling him. Tap. Tap, Tap TAP TAP TAP. iumpesior was taping the floor in defeat but be attacks continued.

"Why?" Iumpesior tried to mutter.

The men who trapped iumpesior in one of their cages, Iumpesior's eyes began to close, from everything he'd went through - including the insatiable heat the room ().

" Oh f**k, the sight of our prisoners always scare the f**k out of me you know?" Stamper explained " I can't wait for the 10 million meathy deal. 2.5 million for the each of us. And finally a life of freedom."

"Me too darling, let's get to giving them that ball they wanted though first." Cyndy reminded him (in a seductive manner)

The rest of the henchmen in the area knew what her notice meant. So they prepared. They went to the to storage room and prepared her action Gear aka A gear.


A month ago, at the gundalian central forces there was a titan storm approaching - a storm with speeds over the speed of sound.

"Orders have come we evacuate everyone to neathia. Now! " ren krawler said to all his soldiers.

As .... was ruler of gundalia. In a frenzy all women and children, were  sent to an underground .... . The escapees proceeded  worried first their families and the desperate fighting all situations to survive.

Villian 1 - tracked
(the mastermind hunter, uses specialised language)
Villian 2 - stamper
(swears alot)
Villain 3 - cyndy
(finds a bakugan- calls people darling)
Villain 4 - cyndy's butler
(the man who made his destiny to protect his queen - very polite to her and friends, cares nothing about others)
Villian 5 - henchmen. 

Meathy - neathia currency





Sorry but none for today.


Hi guys you know me. I always have to write you a message at the end. Last time we had a few people who won the 40 coins and now I am up for it again but this time it will be the first person to do:


Lena Isis

Good luck. Those who have already won can enter again to win.

// Those messages where from a long time ago when this was supposed to be finished. I don't know if I will actually continue this I might just write a summary of how this ends unfortunately since I'm no longer passionate about this series. But I think I might create a complete book and release it within a year or so. My plan for it is to create a trailer and when the book is finished release the trailer to gain hype for the release. Thank you guys for reading my work I appreciate each and everyone I don't like leaving published works unfinished.

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