Chapter 0: The Great Temple

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Chapter 0: The Great Temple

The Great Temple

"Hey guys it's the awesome ones here at the imperial gates, the place where the first Bakugan was thought to have been seen. Dan, Wynton, Lia and lightning will find the secret to this long lost mystery", Dan spoke to the camera.

"This is gonna be so cool guys, the mystery of the temple!" Lia added.

"I love the meander patterns on the pillars and oak floored floors we're only missing the first Bakugan to ever appear", Wynton ended.

Soon they all approached the ancient temple Aphaia. The place looked like giant haunted jack in the box, which abandoned by the world for centuries. The building stood like a scare crow. Mould was growing everywhere, on the pillars, on the rocks outside the temple, in the prayer room of the temple and even between the wooden floors. It wasn't any normal mould however, the mould was a deep purple colour. It reflected the feel of dust and webs however remained a very luscious purple.

The awesome ones drove closer and closer to imperial gates of the monk Cyndy. The skies were clear at the time. Everyone was still excited for the type of content they were all going to get from this new place. They had the opportunity to make pranks, explore, find treasures and even take home some of the ancient mould. Lia hesitated for a moment. Their chauffeur (driver) who brought them suddenly speed back to town with his car - without warning. Lia caught there movements, however it was too late they already disappeared into the distance.

Aphaia welcomed them darkly with a winter breeze. The mould on the rocks outside the temple were swaying in the breeze like looming flowers on Remembrance Day (like poppies). "I think we should head back guys, I am getting anxious here", Lia started.

"We didn't go in yet, let's just take a look and we will be out, there is nothing to be afraid of I know what to do", Dan Kuzo (reboot one - remember his surname is Kuzo and the original Dan is Kuso the difference is between the s and z).

The arrival at the foot of the temple. It was the awesome ones against their worst threat. Clouds began to cover the sky and now it was clear there was something supernatural occurring.



Thank you for reading the epilogue of my new story bakugan dimension purge. i understand this chapter is a bit cshort but its only my prologue and the frst chapter should make the series easier to understand. The next chapter will be out on the 29th august 2019. one weeks time.

i would also like to take this time to tell you this is a sequel to my other story by the name Bakugan: vestal heroes. For the most part you don't need to read that story to get into this one as i will explain all the details you would not know here but if you are a new vestroa fan you should read that story as well.

*if you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask

Bakugan: Dimension purge CH0

Will the awesome ones survive?

Why are they there in the first place?

When will the vestals be mentioned?

Find out next time on;

Bakugan: Dimension purge CH1.

(should i keep these outros? i was thinking nah. since this s a fresh story, i write differently and all.)

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