Chapter 2

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All night Olivia contemplated maybe she should just call out for tomorrow. Fin knows what is up but then they would be super short; she now remembered tomorrow was Amanda's last day of desk duty. She hoped that Fin wouldn't get to upset tomorrow; she could see it now Fin decking Elliot. She didn't mind though Olivia wasn't sure how to act for the day. Noah could tell she seemed a little off even. She usually double-checks his lunch box because he sneaks candy in and she didn't look. She dropped Noah off at school and headed to work. It was almost the holidays and they still had so many cases to go over.
She kept over playing the last time they hung out. Elliot and her got pretty drunk and it was after he shot Jenna. She was trying to help him cope, after everything he still pushed her out of her life. She just wanted to forget that night ever happened. She thought he'd reach out to her after the entire Lewis situation but he didn't. She thought he'd answer her phone calls the ones she left for weeks but he never did. And now 8 years later why is she letting him back into her life. Maybe she should just not allow her back in and warn Fin to not let him come in. Who was she kidding she really wanted to hear Elliot's explanation.
"Hey Liv you made it in." Fin said still slightly concerned about seeing Elliot return. He could tell Olivia was distraught but what was he to say. He wasn't always a fan of Elliot and now he really wasn't. What really happened between the two he may never know but he knows it really affected Olivia.
"I was debating if I wanted to come in or not. Probably should have taken the day with Noah but then you would have to deal with him by yourself and I would then have to bail you out of jail." Olivia said laughing a little at Fin.
"I can restrain myself, do you not know me." Fin said. Olivia just looked at him and laughed a little when he walked out of her office. She sat down at her desk and looked at her computer. She knew today but a long day but wasn't sure how long it would be. There was a knock at your door she looked up. "Elliot hi" She said not sure how else to react she peered over his shoulder and saw Fin intensely staring along with everyone else in the squad room.
"You can shut the door I don't want noises over hearing us." Olivia said as he shut the door looking at everyone else.
"Is everyone going to keep staring at us or not?" Elliot said Olivia just shook her head. "That's how we were don't you remembering." Elliot said with a laugh.
"Elliot you want to talk, why come back now?"
"Well I just wanted to explain myself." Could feel herself tensing up. She had so much she wanted to say to him and she couldn't even explain it.
"Elliot it's been almost 8 years. A lot has changed in my life." She said trying to stay calm.
"You have a son." Elliot said remembering their conversation yesterday.
"Yes I do."
"How old is he know?"
"He's 6."
"That's great Olivia I know you really wanted a baby. Whose the father?" Olivia was starting to feel overwhelmed but she had to keep her cool.
"Why are you here?" Olivia said avoiding his question.
"I should have called you Olivia I am sorry." Elliot said. He stood up he didn't want to look at her in the eyes. She didn't want apologies she just wanted an explanation.
"Elliot stop can you just tell me why you are here after all this time." Olivia said putting her hands on her desk trying not to yell at him. There was so much he didn't know. So much frustration built up.
"After the whole Jenna situation. I couldn't live with myself. I didn't want to be around here anymore, Kathy told me she was pregnant again. I decided with the stress of the job it was best if I retired and took my pension. I couldn't face you though. So I packed the kids up and Kathy I called cap and we moved."
"And you couldn't have told me why?" Olivia said.
"You were my best friend, my partner I was ashamed it bothered me so much." Elliot said.
"Stop I don't want to hear your excuses if I was that important to you, you could have at least explained it to me. Not shut me out like I was nothing to you after everything" Olivia said losing her tempter starting to yell at him.
"After that night I couldn't face the truth I cheated on my wife Olivia!" Elliot said yelling back. They were sure the whole squad room could hear them and Olivia knew she had a reputation to uphold but she didn't care at this moment. Elliot did something to her, something she couldn't explain. She didn't still love him he hurt her she just wanted him gone but she had hid all this for so long.
"Elliot I am aware! You cheated with me and yet you shut me out. How do you think I felt? I loved you and you left me! You and Kathy were broken up and yes there was plenty of alcohol but did you ever think that it wouldn't have affected my life? Your choices affected me now I want you out of my squad and I don't want to see you. Please leave!" Olivia said she was sick to her stomach.
"I am sorry Olivia." He said leaving his card. Fin stood by the door as Elliot walked away.
"Liv you good do you need anything?" Fin said checking in on her. She still seemed very distraught. She wasn't sure what to do. She never feels out of her zone.
"Yeah Fin I'm good." She says looking at her phone scrolling through her contacts. Dr. Lindstorm. She hasn't talked to him in a long time but maybe a session soon will do. She looked up at Fin.
"Do you want me to go punch him? You know I have wanted to do it for a while." Fin said hoping to cheer Olivia up.
"No Fin I'll be okay. I will figure it out, I need to make a call." Olivia said. With that Fin shut the door and Olivia made her phone call.
A/N- I hope y'all like this chapter more to come!

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