Chapter 4

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She woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. She hadn't drank like that in a while and it definitely hadn't hit her this bad. She ran to the bathroom before she could even think upheaving the content of last night. Noah came around the corner. "Mama are you okay?" Noah said from the doorway.

"Hey buddy." Olivia said from the ground. Olivia tried not to puke in front of her son. She regretted drinking that entire bottle last night.

"Noah why don't you go get ready and I will see if Lucy can pick you up. Mama has to get ready for work soon. I am okay." Olivia said trying to not show her son she wasn't feeling well.

"Okay Mama." Noah said running to get dressed. Olivia tried to keep her stomach content down. She took some aspirin, had a glass of water and brushed her teeth. She was not looking forward to today. She shot Lucy a text and Olivia put her bathrobe around her quickly and went into check on Noah who had put on one of his plaid shirts and black cargo pants.

"Mama does this look good?" Noah asked, jumping on the bed. Olivia smiled at her son; he made everything better for her.

"Of course baby It looks great. Lucy will be here in about 15 minutes and then mama has to go get to work." Olivia said scooping up Noah in her arms she couldn't believe how big her little baby was getting.

"Mama put me down." Noah said giggling. Olivia gave him a giant kiss on his cheek.

"I love you Noah!" There was a double knock at the door.

"Mama its Lucy!" Noah said running to the door knocking back twice it was there little thing.

"Good morning Lucy do you mind getting him something to eat while I finish getting ready for work." Olivia said to Lucy she nodded and followed Noah into the kitchen.

Olivia went back to her bathroom and looked at the mirror. She barely recognized herself half the time. She brushed her hair and put on some light makeup. She didn't really need it but she liked it occasionally every woman does. She looked in her closet grabbing her black slacks and her purple shirt. Just going to be another day at the office. Part of her wanted to take a personal day but she really didn't want to. She got dressed and walked out to Noah and Lucy making breakfast.

"Mama we making breakfast want some?" Noah said offering his mom a waffle.

"Thank you baby." Olivia said, pouring coffee into her travel mug.

"Love you Mama" Noah said giving Olivia a hug and she gave him a small kiss on his cheek.

"Ew Mama." Noah said with a giggle and Olivia went to work. Everything was better with Noah around. She just made her feel whole.

Olivia kept trying to act like the other day didn't happen. Life without Elliot was better then life with Elliot. He was not who she thought he was. He proved that well many years ago. She sat in the car with him for years letting him pull her strings. Showing her that she was nothing for him. She knew that wasn't going to be the last she saw of him. She wanted to go through with the rest of her day not knowing he was still lingering around. She sat at her desk they didn't get a case yet and she saw his card laying at the edge of her desk. She forgot that it was there and she really wished it wasn't. She picked up the card looked at it for a few seconds.

"Liv we got a case." Fin said knocking on the door getting her out of her trans.

"On it." Liv said grabbing her coat tossing the card in the trash.

"Liv before we go I need to tell you something about the victim." Fin said stopping Olivia in her tracks. So many things ran through her head. This wasn't like Fin to say this to her but he was stepping up.

"Alright fin what is it?" Liv said she usually just said okay and they would go. She usually got the call first too but Fin was stepping up.

"Liv it's a 26 year old male possible homicide but..." Fin said he wasn't sure how to say the next part.

"Great got enough on my plate. Why did we get this case though homicide isn't us." Liv said putting her coat on.

"Liv the guy was related to Lewis they believe it was his half brother. They found information on you." Fin said Olivia felt like she was going to pass out or something she leaned again her desk. Fin ran over to her. "Liv are you okay? Fin said he could she that his friend had dealt with enough.

"Out of everything we've dealt with." She said grabbing her desk upset. She wanted to scream she didn't want anyone else to see her like this. "Fin I need a minute we can leave soon."

"Alright I'll be right outside." Fin said shutting the door behind him. Amanda and Carisi looked at Fin he just shrugged his shoulders he knew this would be an intense case weather they liked it or not.

The darkness started to crowd her mind. She lay in bed every night still thinking that he would come for her. It had been years since why did she feel like her entire world was crashing down in front of her. William Lewis was dead, and yet he haunted her every day. She wished she drew her gun faster, she wish she hit him with the bar harder, she wish she didn't let him get to her again. She stormed out of her office heading to the car. Fin followed behind her maybe she would talk to him but odds are slim to non.

"Liv are you sure we can back off this case." Fin said, Olivia looked at him.

"No we took the case I will be fine." Olivia said starting the car up. "Now tell me about him."

"Charles Williams born October 15, 1992, died of apparent overdose...They found notes about you at his apartment along with photos."

"Photos from when?" Olivia said getting a little bothered by it.

"Nothing too recent he dated everything we can look at it but I don't want you to be upset. I know I might sound like I'm...."

"Don't worry about it Fin thank you." Olivia said this case was going to take them for a tail spin.

"How are you doing with everything else?" Fin was never one to talk about feelings but he wanted to make sure Olivia would be okay.

"It's a lot to wrap my head around." Olivia said not wanting to talk about Elliot.

They got to the crime scene and started looking through the photos. Olivia looked at the pictures on Charles's wall. Some where of him and Lewis it made a chill up her spine. Was William Lewis telling his brother all these things about her way back when? She couldn't shake the feeling. She wanted to go home and hug Noah for the rest of the day. First she deals with Elliot and now William Lewis back in her life what did she do to deserve any of this.

A/N- Olivia can't catch a break sorry short chapter been so busy with school I hope y'all like this. Going to dive in soon just wanted to send you this for the time being please review.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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