Chapter 32: Saint Dismas

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Karla flitted around James' consciousness like a pesky gnat. One moment she hovered, observing his physical manifestation, and the next alighting on his mind, sipping his thoughts. She was too stunned by the encounter to communicate with him in any manner and certainly not with anything resembling words. But as quickly as her soul had established a connection with him, she found it slipping away.

She gasped and lurched and nearly slid off the bench. Theo reached over and steadied her.

"I saw him! I was right there, close enough to touch him. And then... and then he was gone."

"Your soul is not strong enough to sustain a connection on its own," said Theo. "Interacting with him would have strengthened the flow. I can help you re-connect. Come, take my hand."

"It's no use, Theodore," said Agatha. "She is about to leave."

Karla looked at her hand and counted only two fingers.

"No! Not yet! I didn't even get a chance to say hello."

"We will be here when you get back," said Theo, patting what was left of her hand. "No worries."

Her dress slid onto the floor in a loose pile and she was gone.


"Jesus Fucking Christ!" Karla shouted, from a futon tucked in the corner of the living room. The television was on with the sound off and a Premier League football match was on.

A portly young man with dark, stubby hair, glanced down from the couch. "Alec, your girlfriend's awake."

Karla was so disoriented it nauseated her. Her soul felt like it was still stretched between two distant realms.

Alec came rushing over from the kitchen and crouched down beside her. He placed a palm on her forehead.

"Are you feeling okay? You look pale."

"I was this close! This close to him."

She held up two fingers and inch apart.

"To whom?"


"Who is James?"

"My old boyfriend."

"You saw him in your dreams?"

"No, not my dreams! I was not dreaming! I've told you how it works and where I go."

"Sorry, I just...."

"I've been looking for him forever. And I was in the Singularity! I had a chance to find Izzy."

"What on Earth is she ranting about?" asked the young man on the sofa.

"Don't ask," said Alec. "It's too hard to explain."

"And now I am here. Where I don't want to be."

"I thought we were going to go look for your sister. I mean, she's here, right? On this side?"

"I don't know," said Karla. "That's the thing. I had a chance to find out. And I blew it!"

"The lads are back," said Alec.

"I noticed."

"Want some breakfast? Robbie fried up some bangers."

"Maybe just some bread?"

The young man on the sofa chuckled. "How much did this one have to drink last night?"

"I've been telling you, it's nothing to do with drinking. It's a condition she has."

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