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Just walking into the library gave you chills. Not the chills you get when you're nervous or cold, but the kind that when you get so excited, you can't contain everything inside.

You almost screamed at how many books with beautiful bindings there were.

Namjoon watched your whole person light up as you stepped into the room. He smiled and looked around, nodding in approval of the room.

"I take it you like this room then?" He remarked with a chuckle. You rounded on him with a shocked look.

"Oh no your majesty..." You paused, "I love it! I absolutely adore books!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms out in a grand gesture. It was only when he gave you a look that was both shocked and trying to contain his composure, that you realized how silly you must look to him. You felt your face heat up and you quickly brought your hands down. You heard him chuckle again and you looked to see him walking to the nearest shelf and touch some of the books. His eyes turned wistful as he looked at you.

"Don't worry. This room is one of my favorites too. I spent a lot of my childhood and growing up years in here. While Jin was out with Mother gardening, and Jimin down with the chef cooking; and while Yoongi was out taking walks, or making music, and Jungkook singing or talking with Father; and Hoseok and Taehyung out riding horses, I would spend my days locked up in here reading book after book, and studying and studying till my professors thought my head would burst." He chuckled, rolling his eyes. I smiled with him.

'That basically sums up my own life.' I thought, thinking back to how much I read on a daily basis.

"So, all that's to say I'm very glad you like it in here." Namjoon said, looking out one of the windows in the room wistfully.

You smiled, watching the wise king reflect on his memories.
You wondered if he possibly regretted spending his time alone in the castle without his brothers, his days filled with his book characters and professors as his closest friends. You thought about how you often regretted spending your days inside reading, missing human contact once and a while, despite your awkwardness.

"Well, I believe we should move on my lady. We have plenty of rooms, but not much time." Namjoon suddenly spoke, turning to look at you with a smile.

You blinked, taking one last look around the room. As you did, you wondered if you would be here as often as you thought you would have, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized that maybe human interaction would be worth a little more than the books.


Namjoon escorted you through the halls, explaining which doors led to which places, showing you a few rooms here and there.

He showed you the kitchen, the main rooms like a meeting room and the main bathroom for visitors, the hall that held the king's rooms should you ever need them, and a tower with a view of the land; which you enjoyed standing there with Namjoon and watching the sun set.

"It truly is beautiful here." You remarked with a happy sigh. The sunset was a brilliant orange, red and purple mix. The streets below were filled with both dark, smooth shadows and the searching rays of the fading light, casting shadows all around. The people below in the village, were slowing their activities, the shop owners cleaning up their wears.

"It really is. I've seen this all my life and I still don't get tired of it." Namjoon replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

You looked over to him, a question sliding into your mind that you hadn't thought about until now.

"Your majesty, how do seven of you rule one country."

Namjoon looked at you with curiosity.

"My, such a random question my lady." He chuckled softly, placing his hand on the edge of the tower. He leaned again it and looked towards you, the sunset illuminating his silhouette, making him look ever so majestic.

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