the end

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so hey guys....umm as you know, voltron has ended. I miss voltron a lot , since i grew up with the older show when my dad showed me and i grew to love it! when i found out that another voltron show would come out i got ecstatic. the ending of voltron had me in tears and anger. in my opinion , i like how shiro got married, how hunk started his own cooking business...but when it came to lance, he got completely NO character development and was sad the entire season. i also dont like hoe ALLURA HAD TO DIE and chose lance to become ALTEAN. anyways. i do like altean lance and all but , when i saw that he stayed on a farm made me angry. hes mourning over her death still and is deciding to spend the rest of his life on a farm. apart from all of that , i loved keiths development, i just wish he had more screentime. anyways, im ending this book to conclude voltrons ending.....soo.....goodbye guys. love- your one and only voltron fan, Alex

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