Ritsuka X Azuna| Her Confession

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I'm cruel and decided to ruin both ships. Remsuka and Shazuna have officially sunk. Don't question my shipping names -3- I made them up off the top of my head.

Ritsuka's heart rapidly thumped in her chest as her best friend approached. She was in denial about her recent developing feelings for her friend, but lately her symptoms were convincing her otherwise. The butterflies in her stomach that would instantaneously appear when she was around, the constant sweaty hands, and her irregular heartbeat; were all signs of love.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting."

Azuna Kuzuha, a beautiful girl with a charming personality, who happened to be Ritsuka's friend. Ritsuka shook her head, "not at all!" The blonde smiled warmly, it came to her attention that her friend's behavior had changed over the past months. She assumed it was because of the vile devils, maybe they convinced her that she was the villain; it did explain her recent anxiousness.

"We should probably get to class," Azuna suggested. Both girls entered Shikō Academy, quickening their pace as the bell rang from the loudspeaker. Azuna waved goodbye as they approached classroom A-2. The brunette sighed at her departure before entering her own classroom. Unfortunately for them, they only had art class together at the end of the day.

Ritsuka slumped in her uncomfortable chair. "Are you okay?" Her sparkling eyes rested on her cousin, Lindo. He was excessively overprotective of her. She didn't know how he would react if she told him the truth. Instead, Ritsuka gave a partial smile that seemed convincing enough. "I'm fine, just tired that's all."

Lindo shifted his eyes onto the floor, "what's that?" She was confused before catching sight of a white envelope on the floor, sealed with a heart sticker. Ritsuka's face turned as red as his hair when she realized that was the love letter she was planning on giving Azuna. It must have fell out of my folder, she thought before snatching it off the ground.

"Uh, that's just a thank you letter," she explained followed by nervous laughter. His oceanic eyes glared at her, "to who?" Ritsuka scanned the room as if there would be an answer hidden somewhere, which there was. A poster for the student council members, probably made by fangirls, was hanging on the wall.

"Rem Kaginuki," she bit her tongue, knowing she already said too much. Lindo despised the entire student council, especially him. Not only was Rem a devil, but he manipulated Ritsuka into believing he was nice.

"Why would you have to write him a thank you letter?" Lindo asked monotonously. He assumed it was a love letter judging by the heart sticker. "I know you don't like him, but I think he deserves a thanks for volunteering to search for our mom." They were both silent the rest of the class.

Ritsuka couldn't believe that the letter had slipped from her folder. Maybe, it wasn't safe to write her feelings down in a letter, especially when she knew she didn't have the courage to give Azuna the letter. Ritsuka had wrote the letter weeks ago, she had many opportunities to hand it to her crush, but thoughts of rejection raced through her mind.

A constant concern for the brunette was how much would their friendship change of if she rejected her. Ritsuka was stressed about her uncontrollable feelings towards her friend. Her mother always knew what to say to her, without her around it was complicated. "You'll never know until you try," her mother's soothing voice came into mind. Ritsuka stared at the folder containing her love letter.

Today was the day... I'm going to finally confess my love to her.

The day moved on quickly and she wasn't mentally nor physically prepared to tell her. Ritsuka bit her lip as the second to last class was coming to an end. The bell rang through the academy and all the students, including herself, were dismissed from their classes. She walked slowly through the hallways avoiding everyone, that's when a familiar voice called out her name.

"Ritsuka, wait for me!" The brunette whipped her head around, Azuna managed to catch up to her. "Excited for art class?" She asked, knowing she enjoyed painting. Ritsuka smiled before responding, "yeah, maybe I can finish my family's portrait today."

They entered the art room, many students were already starting on their assignments; their concentration was on the canvases in front of them. Minutes past and Azuna sighed in frustration, "Ritsuka, I know it's against the rules, but could you please help me? I really need your opinion." She squinted at her friend's painting before smiling, "what an adorable cat." Azuna frowned before looking back at her, "it's supposed to be a horse." There was an awkward silence until both of them began to break out into giggles.

"I'll go get a blank canvas. There's no fixing my disasterpiece." Azuna walked away, leaving her friend alone. She scanned the room making sure no one was watching her, but everyone seemed occupied with their paintings. Here's my chance, Ritsuka quickly took the envelope out and slid it into Azuna's favorite book. It was too late to turn back now. Azuna placed another canvas down, "okay, I was thinking maybe some landscape and a horse. Maybe you could stretch the horse for me."

"U-Uh sure, no problem," Ritsuka turned away trying to hide her blush. The final bell rang and all the students flooded out of the room, leaving Azuna and Ritsuka behind.

"Huh, what's this?" Azuna questioned as she pulled the envelope out of her book. Ritsuka could feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead, "it's probably not important, come on where going to late if we don't leave." Her stomach churned as she opened it. The blonde inspected each line thoroughly. "I think someone loves me. It doesn't have signature though. I wonder who it is," she whispered.

"Oh well, it's probably just someone playing a prank. We should get going," she said, turning toward the door. Ritsuka closed her eyes tightly, "it wasn't a childish prank, Azuna."

"How do you know, unless," she paused, everything was coming together now. Her anxiousness from being around her wasn't caused by the student council members; it was because of her.

"I love you, Azuna Kuzuha," Ritsuka felt herself tremble and before she knew it, uncontrollable tears streamed down her cheeks. Azuna placed her hands on her shoulders, trying to soothe her friend. "Ritsuka, look at me," she sternly spoke. Although she didn't want to, she obeyed her friend.

Ritsuka widened her eyes as soft lips landed upon hers. She closed her eyes, returning the passionate kiss. Azuna wrapped her arm around her waist pulling her in more. Their lips separated and they both stared dazedly into each other's eyes, both longing for another kiss.

"Ritsuka? Azuna?" The girls quickly turned their heads to see Lindo and Rem shocked by what they just witnessed. They blushed, looking shyly down at the floor.

Crunching was heard in the corner, their attention was now on the teacher, that was snacking of popcorn. "What? Don't act so surprised, it wasn't like you guys were going to end up together anyway. You two should go gay for each other. Oh, Rindo or maybe Liem!" While the teacher was too busy fangirling, the four managed to escape.

I've honestly never seen a Ritsuka X Azuna oneshot before and decided to make one. Comment if you approve or not, also what DwD ship do you favorite the most?

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