Rem x Devil| Why Her?

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"He's such an idiot!" You shouted, kicking a lamppost. Being a devil with incredible strength, it came crashing down. You normally would avoid attention, but since you were angry; it didn't matter how much destruction you caused nor how loud you caused it. You couldn't fully comprehend why you were mad. The feelings engulfed you when Rem told you about his feelings for the foolish mortal girl.

What did he see in her anyways? You admitted she was decent-looking, but you knew Rem enough to know he doesn't just fall for appearance alone. So why her? The more you thought about her, the more your walls came tumbling down. You finally couldn't take the heartache anymore and you collapsed on your knees while sobbing uncontrollably. You began to realize how jealous you were of her.

The truth was you always had feelings for Rem. You hoped that one day you would get the courage to tell him and possibly discover he had feelings for you as well, but you missed that opportunity and now you were sitting on a curb, crying alone–or so you thought.

"Awe, you look so pathetic when you cry. If only you could see fufufu~"

You wiped your tears with your clenched fists before bolting up. Shiki hugged himself tightly as he began to shiver with excitement. His face crimsoned as he gazed intently at your tear stained face. You crossed your arms in disgust. "I wasn't even crying, creep," you huffed, even though it was obvious you had been.

He rolled his eyes, "Y/N, if you want to talk about it-" "And why would I want to with someone like you?" You snarled. 
"Fair enough. I'll just call Rem then."
"That won't be necessary." There was an awkward pause.
"And why not? Rem would know how to handle this situation better than anyone else. He is your best friend after all."

You repeated his last sentence in your head. Something about it infuriated you. "He's probably with his damn girlfriend. I wouldn't want to disturb whatever they're possibly doing right now, okay?" You explained. You didn't bother hiding the harshness in your tone. Shiki smirked before pointing at you in a playful manner. "I would have never assumed you were the jealous type."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He raised a brow, "oh, don't play coy with me. I always knew you had a thing for the Arlond heir." You blushed, "was it really that obvious?"

You sighed knowing none of this mattered now, he had already chosen her. "You know, Y/N, it's never too late to tell someone how you feel," Shiki chimed in. "What happens if it goes wrong?" You asked, envisioning all the ways he could reject you. "You're being irrational. Have you forgot Rem is very forgiving of you?"

Memories of you causing trouble filled your head. You recalled the time you 'accidentally' put shiitake mushrooms in his soup. Rem forgave you within a day. It surprised everyone including yourself. Maybe Shiki was right. It would actually be a relief to finally get it off your chest.

"What are you waiting for?" Shiki shooed you away. You nodded before teleporting to wherever Rem was. "I was joking. Don't leave me, meanie!" Shiki whined, but it was too late to turn back now. You opened your eyes to find yourself standing in front of Rem's mansion.

You were contemplating whether to walk away or knock, when a limousine pulled into the driveway. Rem stepped out after noticing you were on his porch. You bit your lip as he approached. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to speak to you," you managed to squeak out. Rem was confused by your awkwardness. He assumed you wanted to talk privately to him so he invited you into his house. You fidgeted with your hands and jumped when Rem took your jacket off your shoulders to hang it on the coatrack. "What's on your mind?" He asked sitting down in his throne-like chair. "Well," you paused noticing his puffy eyes. "Are you okay? It looks like you haven't rested in centuries." He sighed sadly, "is it that noticeable? How about I fix tea before we discuss whatever this is?" You agreed knowing it would give you more time to prepare for what you were going to say; or what you weren't going to say.

You watched the kettle as it began to whistle. Rem clutched the sides of the stove while spacing out. Being a devil, you could sense the strong emotions of anger and sadness radiating from him. "Rem, you may fool others, but I can tell you're upset." He stayed silent with his back towards you. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder. He hesitantly turned around. You were shocked to see the tears streaming down his cheeks. "We broke up."

Even though you wanted that to happen, you couldn't help but feel sorry for the heartbroken devil that you've never seen cry before. You didn't know what to say to comfort him, so instead you said the first thing that came into mind. "That stupid bitch! She doesn't know what she has coming. Where does she live? I'll suck the soul right out of her. No one hurts the prince and gets away with it!"

"That won't be necessary. I was actually the one who ended it."

"I don't understand." You were confused about why he was upset if he was the one who decided to leave. "It was the right thing to do. A human and a devil don't belong together. Also, I was having mixed feelings because of," he paused as if he almost slipped a secret out by mistake. "Never mind."

After talking about it more, you tried the best of your ability to comfort him by getting ice cream and watching a horror film. "Hey, Y/N, what did you want to tell me?" He asked midway through. "Just shut up and watch the movie," you snapped, while blushing and turning up the volume.

Even if you didn't confess today, you knew your time would come eventually. For now, your main objective was making Rem happy again.

I know it's been awhile since I've published anything. I actually have a lot of oneshots and stories that are uncompleted, but I want to get back into writing and change that. My motivation to come back was you guys! I kept reading your comments and remembering why I used to write so much on here. Thank you again for your support!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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