Wannabe Star ✨

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‟eхcυѕe мe, wнo were yoυ jυѕт тalĸιng тo lιĸe тнaт, нм?"

‟eхcυѕe мe, wнo were yoυ jυѕт тalĸιng тo lιĸe тнaт, нм?"

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ⓟⓔⓡⓢⓞⓝⓐⓛⓘⓣⓨAhkila has been a dreamer since she could remember

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Ahkila has been a dreamer since she could remember. Always stuck in the clouds and her head on big things, dreams of seeing her name on big lights. This makes her a determined young woman with dreams bigger than she can accomplish. This leads to high expectations that she shouldn't have, leading to a bit of an angered state when getting turned down a role in the world of acting. Yes, she tends to become a bit angry after hearing about no callbacks from anywhere she's auditioned. Shockingly, she'll continue to push for a dream that seems to stray further and further away from her. While she may get annoyed often with results of things, that doesn't stop her from getting angered about someone being difficult with her. She has a low tolerance level for stubborn people and will frequently grow a bit of a sarcastic mood when she does start getting mad. The least to say about Ahkila is that she's a hot tempered actress who thinks too much about an unachievable dream. But, Ahkila does tend to be a bit funny when she's in one of her moods, so friends or others she works with tend to get a good laugh and that usually calms her down when realizing how hilarious she may look in the moment.

Ahkila is a friendly person and loves to be around others, until someone gets her in a heated mood. That sets her off and leads to a small hate against a person or friend and will take some time to get used to them again and won't talk to them until an apology is said, or vise versa when she realizes she's mad over something stupid and she goes and apologizes. However, others with the closest bonds with her are often able to get away with more and joke with her about the anger she has. Ahkila is a complicated friend but others say she's worth it.

Ahkila's love life isn't much. She doesn't like speaking much about it due to all the bad relationships she's been in and the fact that she's surprised she gets passed the first date sometimes. This was her younger self and she's not one to fall to easily in love...what a lie. This girl sees a heartthrob and goes bananas. Ahkila does have her crushes, yes, but usually won't ask about a date, she waits for them to ask.

 Ahkila does have her crushes, yes, but usually won't ask about a date, she waits for them to ask

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Ahkila comes from a history of family with bad anger problems. It was common for her or one of her four siblings to get yelled at by her father, Arun Wattana, while her mother, Yuna Wattana, would comfort them awhile after the out burst and boost their moods with humor and help them to laugh off anything bad that they may do or make something silly out of what happens. This helped Ahkila a lot out in the real world but it still didn't do the trick for her all the time. Ahkila also had a history of ancestors that she found out were performers of sorts and sparked her idea to go big into acting or singing. With this inspiration, she told her parents. While her father wasn't happy about it, her mother urged her to go and move off and go for it anyways. Ahkila was also told that her mother would support her in any way she could, making Ahkila have even higher hopes than she already did. And here Ahkila is now, well, for the past four years, in LA, reaching for the unreachable!

ⓟⓐⓢⓢⓦⓞⓡⓓ › Pineapple pizza is a no from me, pineapple should not be on pizza, and my zodiac is Scorpio.

sarlenone  do you mind if I dm you a sample of roleplay?

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