The Bitten 🌙

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₣Ạ₡Ẹ ₡ŁẠłM:
cöƚịṉ ḟöṟḋ

₣Ạ₡Ẹ ₡ŁẠłM:cöƚịṉ ḟöṟḋ-

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₦ẠMẸ:ṳṉịṯẏ ḟịṣḣëṟ-ŦłŦŁẸ:ṯḣë ḃịṯṯëṉ-$PẸ₡łẸ$:ṳṗịṟ » ḣāƚḟ-ḃƚööḋ-ĠẸ₦ÐẸƦ: ṃāƚë-ẠĠẸ:17-$ẸXỤẠŁłŦ¥: ṣṯṟāịḡḣṯ-

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ṳṉịṯẏ ḟịṣḣëṟ
ṯḣë ḃịṯṯëṉ
ṳṗịṟ » ḣāƚḟ-ḃƚööḋ

₦ẠMẸ:ṳṉịṯẏ ḟịṣḣëṟ-ŦłŦŁẸ:ṯḣë ḃịṯṯëṉ-$PẸ₡łẸ$:ṳṗịṟ » ḣāƚḟ-ḃƚööḋ-ĠẸ₦ÐẸƦ: ṃāƚë-ẠĠẸ:17-$ẸXỤẠŁłŦ¥: ṣṯṟāịḡḣṯ-

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-ẠPPẸẠƦẠ₦₡Ẹ:Unity is actually pretty average in height, standing at about 5'11"

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Unity is actually pretty average in height, standing at about 5'11". He isn't much in muscle but he does come to weigh at around 169 pounds. His skin isn't too drained of its color, only just starting to lose some color to it. Uni's hands are a bit calloused due to the archery and playing the violin, but other than that and a few patches of bumps, his skin isn't too bad, only patchy. His eyes are blue, tending to look lighter or darker depending on the lighting in the room and his clothing. Unity is still rocking it, looking just around the age he's supposed to look at 17! But that doesn't mean it's bound to change over time. He hasn't really been able to expand his wardrobe at all, only wearing what he's given, such as a simple t-shirt and jeans, sometimes accompanied with a jacket or some sort of scarf.

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