Chapter 22 - Just Thinking

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She was walking a few steps ahead of him, her head still in the clouds as it had been since they'd left the Potter's kitchen at the conclusion of brunch an hour ago. They were walking among a muggle street fair in an area that housed some historical "windmill" which Hermione had mentioned to him before realizing that he had no idea what a windmill was. Assuring her that he didn't need a muggle studies lesson just then, he'd agreed to go and simply take in a new experience with her.

It was safe enough for them to venture out into muggle London together without attracting attention, yet they really didn't have much to hide seeing as she was almost ignoring him now. He'd had enough of the crowds of muggles, jostling for position to buy street foods, vegetables, clothing, artwork, and Merlin knew what else.


She turned, looking surprised to see him there.

"Oh, sorry. I keep drifting off. I'm just... thinking."

Noting that she hadn't even bristled at his use of her surname, he moved quickly towards her, keen to end whatever distraction she'd been creating in her mind. She'd been a bit off ever since her conversation with Neville, and he both wanted to know why and wanted her to simply snap out of it and enjoy the day with him.

There was no way of knowing exactly how much alone time like this he would get with her. Astoria should be gone for a full week, yet he knew in the back of his mind that she could be home any day if she'd chosen to cut her trip short for some reason. They weren't living together yet, but he was sure that the second she arrived home there would be some event or wedding-related activity for him to take part in. Without a day job to speak of as yet, excuses to avoid his compulsory fiancé would be thin on the ground.

Taking Hermione's hands in his, he pulled her towards him to snap her out of thought and brought his lips inches apart from hers.

"Do I need to bring you back to the break room where we have rules against that?" he asked in a low growl, and was relieved when the corners of her mouth turned upward and she blushed. She shook her head and took a deep breath, looking up into his eyes. Then she linked arms with him and continued leading them down the bustling street.

"What is it that's got you all lost in thought then?"

She stared ahead, her jaw tensing.

"Just something Neville told me that I... don't quite know how to process."

He grimaced as he shook off the last vestiges of jealousy about her and the bumbling professor. She'd had words with him about his behavior at brunch, of course, and he'd apologized. The fact that he'd offered to help Neville out with his ring situation had helped his case immensely, and he had assured that he'd only been "having a bit of fun" and meant no harm.

It had been a risky move, but he hadn't been able to resist. Who knew Neville's fiancé had had a thing for him?

It'd simply been too convenient not to exploit.

And while Hermione had clearly disagreed, he thought he'd seen a note of amusement in her face as he'd defended his actions. Truthfully, it had heartened him to see her be so insistent that there was nothing to be jealous about.

It seemed she cared about him. He hoped.

He'd been hoping a lot in the last 24 hours and he hated himself for it.

Shaking himself back to the present moment, he tried a different tack.

"Will you tell me?" he asked, playfully.

Now it was her turn to grimace. She looked away with a huff. "I don't know if I can yet."

He pursed his lips and considered her for a moment. "Not your secret to tell?"

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