Chapter 31 - The One Where Everyone Gets a Say

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A/N: Well this took me longer than usual because of all of the characters and twisty turny plot problems I created for myself :D Sorry for the delay and I hope you enjoy!

Also, I started a YouYube channel to talk about HP fanfic, but specifically Dramione, and you can get to it via my tumblr: liliansilverstuff

Hope to see you over there and would love to read your comments!

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It was Friday morning, and Hermione was feeling more conflicted than ever. Still no word from Draco, and she knew he was back in Britain for certain. For one thing, he'd been traveling with Astoria, and she knew full well that Astoria had returned home. For another, she'd opened the Daily Prophet that morning to find photos of Draco and Astoria out and about in London looking quite cozy as they made preparations for their imminent wedding.

One photo showed them arm in arm leaving a shop in Diagon Alley, leaning in close with conspiratorial smiles on their faces. Another showed them stopped on a street corner in a passionate embrace. Hermione winced upon seeing it.

Even though she knew it was a marriage of convenience, and that apparently, Draco was not all that enthusiastic about it, it still made her nauseous to see. She wondered how long she'd be able to stand it if she actually went to the party. She'd been back and forth on the issue more times than she could count.

Still, she'd given her word, and though the photographs made her insides burn with jealousy... she'd felt an affinity for the witch on the arm of her... oh Gods what was he to her?

He was someone. He was something. He was special.

He was impossible to label accurately.

She let out a long sigh, folding up the paper and shoving it neatly into the bin in her office. Who could she turn to for support?

Ginny was away with the Harpies.

Neville was in the midst of end of year exams at Hogwarts.

Harry was inexplicably busy with confidential auror business.

Luna had gone to see her Father before heading back out with Rolf.

She felt quite confused, and quite alone. She wanted to be angry with Draco, but that only made her feel lonelier still.

Shaking herself, she resolved to put her head down and get some work done. Work was her constant companion, always there when she needed it.

And yet... she could not ignore the hollow feeling in her chest as she sifted through paperwork on her desk, the Saturday night even looming in her mind.

The idea of skipping it felt almost as bad as the idea of going.

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Draco looked over the top of The Prophet as he heard the signature WHOOSH of the floo.

"Stori, how'd it go?"

The witch grinned broadly.

"That was perhaps the most pleasant visit I've ever had with my Father. He bought it completely."

Draco grinned back.

"Wonderful. Where's Blaise?"

They didn't need to wonder for long, as the familiar WHOOSH sounded a moment later and into the apartment stepped...

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