The Road Home part 2

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Pidge's POV

I just can't help it.
It's hard to even think of.
I don't think he cares.
Who is he fooling?
I know deep down he still likes her.
Everybody does.
Everybody likes that cute, smart, British girl.
Nobody really cares about a clumsy, nerdy, gremlin like me.
I guess it's for the best if Lance likes her.
At least he'll be happier without me.


Lance's POV

I stared out the window of the bus.
All green.
It reminded me of the small girl who hoped I loved her.
I can't get her out of my head, even if I wanted to.
But when I see Allura, I see the kind girl who I used to admire.
It's hard to get people you love and care about out of your head, isn't it?
I love them both.

::hewwo! I hope you all are EXCITED for the next part. It's the last one, too. Get your tissues out...::

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