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"holy shit." brennen breathes out, green eyes wide as he stares at his blue-eyed best friend. "are you saying what i think you're saying ?"

colby frowns but hesitantly nods, licking his lips nervously.

"so, you mean... it's not just some casual flirt with someone you plan on dropping in a week ? you're actually serious about this ?"

"i..." colby trails off, letting out a sigh as he runs a hand through his messy hair. "i actually like him, bro. i truly, deeply like him."

brennen fakes a sniffle and wipes an imaginary tear from his cheek, his other hand on his chest. "they grow up so fast."

colby groans, rolling his eyes at the other's dramatic antics. "oh, shut it. yes, i'm serious about it. he just..." he sighs dreamily, eyes sparkling as they wander around. "he's perfect, bren. i swear to god, i've never met anyone like him. no one smiles like him, no one says my fucking name like him and every time he does my heart just flips, is that normal ?" he frowns to himself because when he thinks about it, how can someone saying his name make him feel so... giddy ? "i don't know, it's weird and i'm still trying to wrap my head around it all."

brennen chuckles, raising one of his eyebrows as he leans his elbows on the table. oh how he loves hearing his best friend about someone this way, as if they mattered, as if they were more than just a piece of meat he was contemplating buying amongst others at a damn butcher's.

as if he was in love.

"what does he look like again ?" the slightly older boy asks, tilting his head to the side, curious gaze fixated on colby's face. well, almost.

colby sighs, allowing his lips to curl into a smile. "cute as hell. blonde, pretty blue eyes, slightly shorter than me and a small frame. he's always wearing a hoodie but it makes something so mundane look so fucking good."

"tell me more about him."

the other frowns, eyebrows drawing closer. "you know, i find it weird that you're demanding me to gush about sam. aren't you supposed to be like 'ew, love ? what the fuck is that ?'"

brennen scoffs, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, amused. "sorry for asking about your boyfriend."

"he's... he's actually not my boyfriend." colby murmurs, head lowering in embarrassment because he's such a coward he hasn't built up to officially ask sam to be his boyfriend yet. "i mean, i think so ? i have no idea, we've been on plenty of dates and he lets me hug him and he flirts back but i don't know if we're... dating."

"if you guys go on plenty of dates, how are you not dating ?" brennen wonders, eyes squinting in confusion.

"it doesn't work like that." colby argues in a sigh. "i need to ask him to be my boyfriend for us to be dating, i guess."

"well, do you want to date him ?" brennen smirks, glancing behind colby but the action goes unnoticed by the boy, who answers without skipping a beat.

"hell yeah, are you kidding me ?" the boy exclaims as if it was an evidence. "calling him mine ? showing him off ? giving him kisses at all times just because i can and want to ? that would make me the happiest person in the world."

suddenly a pair of arms gently wrap around his neck from behind, the owner's chin resting atop his head. "well, why don't we make that happen ?"

colby's heart instantly flutters at the soft voice, hands reaching up to stroke sam's forearms delicately. his lips stretch into a wide smile and he melts into the blonde's touch, sighing contently.

"ew, love ? what the fuck is that ?" brennen mocks before packing what's left of his lunch and standing up, giving sam a welcoming smile. "that's enough of that for me today, i'll leave you two to make things official 'cause it's obvious you're both dying to."

he walks away and colby swears he hears him mutter 'as if it wasn't already done' under his breath.

sam's chuckle tears him out of his thoughts and the blonde lets go of him to sit down next to him on the bench, body facing him with his legs criss-crossed. he beams at colby, showing off his bright smile as his eyes crinkle happily.

"so ? whatcha waiting for ?"

"well..." colby trails off, biting down on his bottom lip and loving the way sam's eyes immediately flicker to his mouth. "in all honesty, i don't really wanna do it here, y'know."

a breath of relief escapes sam, whose wide smile turns into a small, genuine grin. "good, i don't want you to do it here either." he rises to his feet and grabs colby's hand naturally, pulling him up as well. "how about we skip ? i have geography, boring as heck, i'd rather spend time with you."

colby still doesn't understand how words as simple as those manage to make him blush, he's used to make people blush and not the other way around. lowering his head, he presses his lips together to suppress a smile.

familiar fingers curl around his chin to lift his head up and he shivers at the soft touch, his breath hitching.

"so ?"

the brunette's face breaks into a grin and he nods, giving sam's hand a squeeze. "yeah, let's do that."

"amazing, 'cause i'm craving some froyo." sam states as he drags colby out of the lunchroom and they walk down the empty hallway while he continues. "have i already brought you to that really good ice cream parlor down the street ? all of the ice creams are homemade and the people there are super sweet. it's held by a family, the kids are adorable and they-"

"hold that thought."

sam stops in his tracks but before he can add anything a pair of lips crash onto his, shutting him up in the best way possible. he instantly melts into the kiss, his arms wrapping around colby's neck to pull him closer, humming constantly when the brunette's fingers dance on his hips.

when they half-heartedly break apart, colby smiles down at him, blue eyes shining with a childlike happiness. sam tilts his head to the side, confusion clear on his face and colby just shrugs.

"i wanted to."

sam giggles, unaware of the way colby's hear skips a beat at the sound. "well, i'm not your boyfriend yet."

"yet." colby repeats.

sam nods and, as much as he doesn't want to, he takes a step back before turning away and walking towards the exit. "get your hot ass over here and perhaps we can change that."

colby rolls his eyes but does as he's told anyway.

and a few hours later he walks back down this same hallway, with sam, but it's different. the hallway is crowded, and he's holding sam's hand proudly. he can finally call him his, show him off, kiss him whenever he wants to, and he does just that.

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