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"c'mon bub, wake up."

the raspy, soft voice falls into sam's ear the way his favorite song would, goosebumps gracing his skin at the beauty of the sound.

however, in his sleepy state, at eight in the morning on a sunday, not even his favorite song is enough to tear him out of his slumber, so the voice calls again, pleading words accompanied by a playful finger poking his side.

"sammy, time to give me attention."

the blonde rolls over tiredly, almost crushing colby as they're lying so close to each other. sam mumbles something into the pillow and colby can't quite make out what he says.

the brown-haired male chuckles fondly. "say that again ?"

a sigh escapes sam's lips, eyes finally fluttering open. as soon as his gaze lands on colby, his face lights up, the sleepy grin reaching his eyes in such a lovely way colby can't help but gaze in awe. sam doesn't repeat what he said, but colby still beams at him.

"finally." the brunette mutters, placing a small kiss to his lover's lips. "now do i have to drag your pretty butt out of bed or will you do it yourself ?"

"just..." sam trails off, his eyelids dropping once again. "one more minute."

colby shakes his head slightly, the corners of his lips curling into a smile. "nope. not happening. last time we did that we fell asleep for another three hours, and i really want pancakes."

"then go make some."

colby can tell by the sound of sam's voice that the boy's already dozing off again, so he shakes him quickly. "samuel, get up or i'm throwing you off the bed." he threatens, but playfulness is lacing his tone.

"ugh, fine." sam groans, rolling over again until he's laying on his back, one hand tucked under the pillow and the other resting on his chest. "how are you so energetic today ? i'm supposed to be the morning person in this relationship. you're the grumpy one."

colby knows better than to take offense of the other's words. he lays his head on sam's stomach, watching as the blonde's chest moves up and down at the rhythm of his breathing. he closes his eyes to enjoy the moment, the warmth of sam's skin against his cheek, the comfortable silence that engulfs them. he feels good. he feels happy.

too happy to fall back asleep.

"okay, up we get !"

sam startles upon hearing colby's sudden excited shout as the brunette jumps out of bed. he throws one of sam's hoodie on - the couple has made it a habit to wear whatever clothes they find first and more often than not those clothes happen to be the other's - and walks over to the small body still laying on the bed. without much difficulty he scoops him up in his arms, laughing at the yelp of surprise he receives, before carrying sam out of the bedroom and into the living room. he sets him down gently once they're in the kitchen and walks over to the fridge to take out the already prepared pancake batter.

when he shuts the fridge, he hears a gasp from behind him.

"hold up." sam mutters quietly, seemingly deep in thoughts. "what day it is ?"

colby lets out a sigh of relief, smiling as he turns around. "i thought you'd never ask... it's the 13th. november 13th."

"anw, babe." sam covers his face shamefully and shakes his head before dropping his hands. "i'm so sorry." he quickly closes the distance between them and throws his arms around colby's neck, the man wrapping his own around the blonde's waist naturally. "happy anniversary. i can't believe i've been dealing with your annoying ass for four years."

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