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"I know..." Eyes turned towards the cashiering table, trying to avoid his glance as I nervously sorted some receipts. I broke out in a cold sweat just at the thought of conversing with such a powerful man.

"Pardon me for Fall's approach the other day that she had visited your family" He continued to smile and started apologising.

I had to say I was impressed by his attitude "its okay... I understood where she was coming from"

"It's not my intention to make that like a business-like deal but as a PR manager, she was just looking out for my welfare" Jayden continued explaining.

Then he cleared his throat and makes a dazzling eye contact with me, "So I thought I should personally see the person whom rejected that offer." 

"I..." My words uttered at his sentence. I couldn't understand where he was driving at while he did show how a businessman would behave – bold and daring.

"You impressed me, Ms Swift" He shrugged, landed his hand on mine while we had the first physical touch.

Without any hesitation, I took back my hand away from him. I knew he must have many things under the sleeve to get to that status. There were too many understatements about Jayden and I wasn't ready to get this close with such a powerful and dangerous man.

"Mr. Solevan, you got me wrong.  I wasn't impressing you and maybe you had found the wrong person for the deal" My heart skipped a beat while I tried to keep calm and composed. He was too much for me. Rather than stepping into a no-return path, I thought I should keep myself away from these rich people's fancy world.

But to my surprise, he didn't back off. He continued to stand there, gazing at me.

"What?" I tried to break the ice as I kept myself busy with the other work on hand.

My eyes stared nervously at the surrounding, wondering why Tina had took so long to return. She had asked me to stand in for cashiering while she went for a toilet break. The awkward situation between me and Jayden was getting too uneasy for me and I just wanted to get out of here.

Then Jayden said nothing and left the mart. I let out a relief at the back view that had disappeared into the streets. A hand slapped me from behind.

I jumped, my face turned pale."You shocked me!"

Tina giggled, "You looked like you had just saw a ghost."

I rolled my eyes at her, "Yeah, more like waiting for the lazy ghost to come back"

Tina shoved me, "I saw someone familiar on the way back"

"Who?", my heart could jump out, afraid that someone might knew about the deal other than my family.

Tina chuckled at my expression, "Seriously, you really looked like you had just seen one... Anyway, it was Mervin I met at the cafeteria"

"Seriously?" my feelings were much settled down after knowing Tina was talking about Mervin.

Mervin was my last ex-boyfriend whom had went on a six month trip to Africa for his volunteering work. We were engaged in the same charitable work and had become very close ever since. But things fall apart when Mervin started neglecting me. He was too involved with the volunteering than anything else. Sometimes I do wonder if I was ever his girlfriend.

"Is he still there?" I questioned as I looked out of the mart, ensuring Jayden was nowhere in sight.

Tina nodded while she continued with her bundling of the receipts.

"I'll be right back!" With a smile, I ran out to search for Mervin. My steps brought me quick to him while I spotted Mervin drinking his usual cappuccino.

"Merv!"  I smiled as I called his name. Mervin turned back and smiled. I was happy to see him. Running towards him, I let myself into his arms.

"I'm so glad to see you again." Mervin embraced me before he led me to the chair beside him.

"How was the trip?" I was filled with excitement, knowing that Mervin had just returned from the trip that I always wanted to go. The group was travelling to many villages to understand on how their living standards can be improved. As the trip required six month of time, I decided to vote myself out for it was too long for me to skip school.

Mervin breathed in deeply, "Annie."

"Yeah?" I watched him carefully.

"I'm going to get married."

I kept quiet, unable to digest that information. I respected Mervin's decision when he said he had to end the relationship because of his work for volunteering. But now, he had to tell me that he was getting married.


"Pam" Mervin released the most shocking news ever. He was marrying the bitch in our school.

"You..." I stood up furiously with my eyes staring at him as I emphasised the name of the bride-to-be, "are MARRYING PAMELA WALES?!"

I walked off as I headed back to the mart. Without any hesitation, I took out the name card from my wallet and started dialling a string of numbers, "I will accept the arrangement"

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