Chapter 33 I wish it was a dream

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Renji's POV

   Ichigo and I walk towards Squad 4. Rukia, Hisana, Akyoshi and the captain had been in there for at least 2 days now. 

"I can't believe it." Ichigo mutters "A psysho man with no future, but to avenge his father."

i just nod. It had been very quiet, these days.

"Ahh, Ichigo san, vice captain abarai san. I've been looking all over for you." Hanataro gasped. i felt bad for the kid, not knowing how to use shunpo.

"What is it Hanataro?" i ask him.

"Ms. Rukia san woke up today." Hanataro said. I grin at Ichigo.

"Told you she wouldn't go down that easily." Ichigo punched me in the arm. 

"When did I say that? I thought you said that?" I smile evilly at him. 

"Enough fighting, she said she wanted to see you two." Hanataro said "And I would appreciate it if we didn't flash step there. Never mind." 

We were already there.

Rukia's POV

   I wait anxiously for Renji and Ichigo to come. I should be able to leave today. I glance at the doorway, already hearing their voices. Why did they have to be so loud.

"Oi Rukia, how you feeling?" Ichigo said slamming open the door.

"Be quiet, dummy. This is a recovery room, you can't just yell your head off." I glare at them.

"Well, she's the same as ever." Renji said yawning. I stand up and punch him in the face.

"So, is Nii-sama okay? And Hisana and Akyoshi?" I ask them "Nobody would tell me."

"Well, Byakuya should be fine. Except that he exerted himself so much, he has to have bed rest again. Hisana should awaken today, and be able to leave tomorrow." Ichigo said smiling.

"What about Akyoshi?" I ask him

"Akyoshi..........well he hit the wall pretty hard. He's in a coma right now, and being watched closely. Their not sure if he will make it." Renji said 

I sit down. Akyoshi couldn't die now, Nii-sama will be depressed for the rest of his life. And Hisana, oh my god, she would go nuts.

I stifle a sob and hug the two of them, wishing for this to be a dream.

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