Chapter 1

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I stand in the hall sitting on the steps waits for newt to come down. He has a meeting with some ministry officials to try and get his travel ban lifted and I have a interview with my support advisor which is mandatory for all oddities in the UK. I have selected a smarter looking outfit than I usually wear, I have a simple light red blouse with long sleeves and dark brown trousers, my usual lead boots are strapped on and I have a purple woollen jacket that I have buttoned up all the way. Newt hurries down the stairs and grabs his usual blue coat. "No case?" I ask he shakes his head sadly "unfortunately not, I don't want to cause any trouble with the British ministry, the American one was more than enough.

We walk through the streets of London until we reach a telephone box on a deserted street. He nods and lets me in first and then checks the coast is clear and steps in as well. I make room for him to get to the telephone, he enters some Muggle money and the. Spins the dial to certain numbers that make up our entry code. The inside of the box slides down into the ground and comes through the ceiling of the British Ministry for magic.

We make our way to the front desk and the receptionist shows us to a waiting area. We take a seat in the bench and I start to fiddle with my hands as a way of coping with my nerves. Newt puts a comforting hand in my shoulders and I stop. "I hate these meetings" I mumble. He nods in understanding "I know but it only takes twenty minutes and then you're free for another month" he says. I nod "I hope we can leave Britain again soon. I mean it's been amazing but I wanna go see another few amazing creatures and learn more about them" I enthuse. He nods and then we fall back into silence. The silence is broken by the sound of squeaking. Newt lifts up him arm to revel Pickett hanging by a button. The thread holding the button loosens more and more until the button falls and rolls across the carpet. We watch as it spins for a moment before dropping completely. Pickett scurries along desperate to reach the prize until newt takes off after it as well. He drives onto the floor and glares at the bowtruckle. It's then that leta chooses to walk up to newt. I've met her and Theseus once when we first arrived back and I don't mind either but I know that them being together causes newt a lot of pain. "They are waiting for you, Newt" she says. He gets up and stares at her "What are you doing here?" He asks. She smiles softly "Theseus says there's nothing wrong if I join the Ministry family." She explains. Newt snorts
"He really said "ministry family?That's my brother." He says. I walk over "hey leta" I grin she smile brightly "hello Margo, your support advisor will be here to collect you soon" she tells me. I nod and take a seat back on the bench.

After a few minutes my S.A mrs acklson arrived and shows me to her office, I take a seat in the couch and try to answer as honestly as I can the question she always asks when I come to see her. She nods as I answer and takes notes on a form once we're done with the usual she pulls out another form "so it has come to my attention that Mr Scamander is trying to get his travel ban lifted, if he is successful will you be going with him?" She asks. I nod "yes, that's the plan" she scribbles something down "so are you aware of who you would be staying with if mr Scamander couldn't take you?" She inquires. I lean forward "I don't understand, why wouldn't he be able to take me with him, it's his travel ban not mine, I am free to return to America if I wanted to" I state. She looks up "yes but as I understand it Mr Scamander is not in a rush to go back there and your freedom to travel documents are to and from America only" she says looking up for the first time since this meeting began.I nod "yes but newt is in the process of applying for travel documents for me. He just needs his travel ban lifted" I explain. She nods and writes down some other notes. She then looks up again "I am also aware that you were offered a place in a potions trial for temporary relief for your oddity but you declined.. why was that?" She asks. I shrug "it's something I've never had the urge to get relief from" I says carefully. She frowns "if you don't mind me asking, why not?" She asks. I shrug "my father, he told me that I should never hide what I am" I say. she looks at me dead in the eyes and the She nods and scribbles something down. She smiles brightly "and that concludes our session for this month, I expect you back here for the same date next month, same time" she concludes.

I nod and quickly leave the room glad to finally escape. I smile to myself and make my way back to the waiting room where I will meet Newt. I'm only waiting for a few moments when newt returns looking annoyed, I smile but that smile disappears when I hear Theseus "Newt!" He shouts.

Newt turns round and I hand back unsure if I should enter this conversation "Come here" he says before enveloping him in a big hug. I notice that he whispers something in newts ear, but I'll ask later what that was all about. He the notices me standing there trying not to look awkward. He smiles brightly and gives me a hug, "Margo, it's good to see you" he says, I smile nervously "what are you doing here anyway?" He asks. I sigh "I had my support advisor meeting today" I state bluntly. He shakes his head "ah yes"

Newt I and hurry through the streets "bugger, we're being followed" newt mutters. I gulp slightly and we carry on through the streets. We suddenly duck round the street corner. I grin "do you want me to?" I indicate with my lips. He nods "yes but try to be subtle". I lean round the corner, take a deep breath and start blowing softly. However one aspect of my oddity is that I can manipulate the air and therefore a strong gust of wind is blasted at our follower. He struggles with the wind and opens his umbrella which helps me push him further along the street.

I giggle and return to newt. I notice a gloved hand floating in mid air and so does newt.  It waves at us and then points to the roof of a building where I see a figure standing. Newt sighs and grabs my ab d and then grasps the glove. It's a port key and takes us to where the figure is standing.

"Dumbledore" newt breaths.

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