Chapter 3

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When we arrive back at the house, the first thing we notice before we even put our foot I. The door is the flashing light in the front room.

We carefully and silently let ourselves in and newt peeks round the door into the front room. He indicates for me to remain silent, as we enter I immediately spot one of the nifflers swinging from a lamps chord, that's what causing the flashing light. I mangages to detach the chain from the light and immediately starts shoving it in its pouch. It notices us and stares at us curiously, I have to admit the eyes are the cutest thing for me and one glance normally melts my heart. It scampers along the table and jumps up onto the sink, another niffler sits on a set of scales trying to stuff the weights into it's pouch.

Newt sneaks up on the first niffler and secures it under a pot, he follows after the pot as the niffler under it tries to escape. He takes an apple from the bowl and throws it up in the air. He catches the niffler under the pan in his pocket as it slips off the edge and the apple lands on the other set of scales catapulting the niffler into the air, which is then caught in needs other pocket.

We start towards the cellar door before another set of squeaks makes us stop and peer over our shoulders. The other and last niffler is located on a champagne glass bottle and is trying to pry the lid with golden foil off the top. It succeeds in doing so and before it can hit the door newt open the door and it soars past as we watch in disbelief. It hit the wall with a thud and I flinch "that sounds sore"

Newt sighs and hurried in, I follow but take care to close the door so nothing else escapes. "Bunty" newt calls out, no response "bunty". Bunty spins round from cleaning the Leucrotta's teeth. "Bunty the baby nifflers are loose again" newt explains. She collects a pair of gloves and carefully approaches the baby nifflers, she dangles a gold pocket watch in front of the niffler and it jumps into her arms. "Well done" newt says passing the other two over.

She looks flustered and I help her get the nifflers back in their enclosure "Sorry, Newt. They must have picked the lock while I was cleaning out the Augureys" she says. Newt brushes her off "Don't worry." He assures her. She nods "I almost took care of everything. I gave Pinky her droplets" she tells him. He nods "And Elsie?" He inquires. She smiles "Elsie droppings are almost back to normal" she informs him. He starts to give the moon calves their eyedrops, "You can be off now." He says. She looks slightly hurt and glances at her hand that has now got even more bite marks, I inspect the hand carefully "that looks like it might need a bandage, she smiles weakly. Newt glances over her hand "I told you I can take care of myself." He chastises her. She winces "The wound takes a lot of ointment" she protests. I bite my lip "but we don't need you loosing another finger" I warn. We head down to the kelpies enclosure which is just a massive lake, newt takes off his jacket and I hang it in the rail "I'm serious. You can come home, Bunty. You must be tired." He repeats.

She sighs "If there are two people work much more easily solved." She says. He nods and looks at the water "You should take your shirt off" she says. He looks confused but he returns his attention to the water "Don't worry, it will dry quickly." He jokes before her jumps into the water.

Bunty gasps big I smile "don't worry he's done this how many time?" I reassure her. She nods "is their anything, that I can do to help?" I ask. She nods "umm Dougal, needs to be cleaned out" she offers. I smile "okay, I can do that"

I find dougal in his enclosure, I have grown quite fond of the demiguise as he's one of the first creatures that I helped newt with. He smiles and makes his way over to me circling my legs, I hold my arm out and he climbs up onto my shoulder. I giggle softly and play around with him, I place him down and start to clean out the enclosure. After I'm done I say goodbye and make my way back to where I can hear newt and Bunty talking. Suddenly I hear a crash, I hurry round the corner "newt, what was that?" I ask, I hope this isn't someone breaking in. He looks worried as well "I have no idea." He looks towards Bunty "But I want you to go home now, Bunty." He says. She looks jumpy "Do you want me to contact the ministry?" She asks.
He shakes his head "No, I want you to go home. Please." He says firmly.

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