Chapter 6

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We have to use a port key to travel to Paris, this of course results in my falling flat on my back. Leta quickly helps me up and I murmur a thanks, I swear if one more thing happens today that results in me being dragged to a new place I'm gonna jump on travers, I may not be able to use a wand but my fists sure work. I am forced to wait outside an office next to Leta as the aurors decide what to do. I sigh loudly "you alright?" Leta asks. I shake my head "I don't wanna be used as bait... plus I'm hungry" I complain. She nods and then hands me a few coins "here, you can go grab a sandwich, there is a cafe nearby" she whispers. I grin "thanks, do you want anything?" I ask. She shakes her head "no I'll be alright" she murmurs.

I stroll out of the lift and out onto the streets of Paris, the sound of people getting in with their day fill my ears and I sigh in content. I find a bakery and wait in line for a while, eyeing up the food on offer and trying to work out the money that Leta has given me. When I get to the counter I try to dig up my memories of my basic french "uhh bonjour, je voudrais un baguette de jambon, mozzarella et tomate, s'il vous plait" I ask pointing at my choice of baguette. The woman at the counter smiles and places my baguette in a paper bag "ton français est très bon, bravo" She says. I smile awkwardly and hand over my money "merci" I call as I leave the shop.

I sit in a bench and watch the city bustle in its everyday life. I am almost finished my lunch when I stop and almost drop the bag. Lengths of a silky black material cover the city and its building right before my eyes "what the hell?" I mumble. I decide that this seems like a bad idea to remain in the open like this and return down to the ministry building.

"My brother is dead" I hear Leta declare loudly sounding extremely distressed. I watch as Theseus comforts her and is then summoned to travers side. I make my way over to Leta "what's got travers so tightly wound" I ask. She wipes away a few tears "Grindelwald is rallying, they're going to try and capture again. Travers has been Warned to keep you out of the conflict from the french authorities, so you don't need to worry about being used as bait." She informs me. I nod "that is a relief. Grindelwald must be behind all the crazy stuff going on in the streets" I say mainly ya myself but Leta hears "why? What happened?" She asks. I wave my hand in a dismissive manner "Black silky stuff covering the buildings must have been him calling his followers"

She nods nervously and the smiles "come on, you might want to see a little of the french ministry while you're here"  she says. We make our way through the halls "so why wouldn't the french authorities want to use me as bait?" I ask. She smirks "different laws" she states, I smile "so many different views, hard to keep track of them all". We reach a desk with an old woman standing behind it, she smiles as us in an odd way, her mouth moves but her eyes remain dull. "Leta LeStrange, I need access to my family tree" Leta introduces herself, the woman eyes me up "and her?" She asks. "She is my companion, here for support" Leta explains. The woman extends her arm and the door opens "you may enter"

We shuffle past and slowly emerge onto a balcony overlooking a sea of cabinet, filled with family trees and documents. "LeStrange" Leta calls out, her voice echoing off the glass dome. The cabinets start to arrange themselves, weaving around, seemingly all by themselves, I smile childishly "that is amazing, beautiful almost" I comment. The correct cabinet rolls forward and a compartment opens, but only an envelope is inside. Leta carefully reaches in and removes the envelop "records moves to LeStrange family tomb at Pére Lachaise" she reads out loud, I frown "shouldn't they have told you about the moving" she looks downhearted but doesn't respond.

A squeak is heard that catches both of our attention. A very familiar bowtruckel, crawls out and then tries to hide himself from view. "Circumvota" Leta orders and the cabinet slowly turns round to reveal newt and Tina. "Newt" Leta greets passively, "Tina!" I say in suprise, "hello Margo" Tina responds.

We stand there awkwardly as I try
to think of a witty remark that might defuse the tension. However a series of growls interrupt my thoughts, "oh no" new says sounding fearful. The lady from the front desk enter with three cats at her heels, hissing and growling in our direction "what kind of cats are they" Tina asks. "They're not cats, they're Matagots, spirt familiars, they guard the ministry" he reels off. "They won't attack you unless..." however Leta pulls out her wand "stupify" she shouts hitting one of the cats, however it splits into three new cats. "Unless you attack them" he finishes. "Oppps" Leta realises. I quickly bend down and flick the latch's in my boots open, I float quickly upwards until I come into contact with the glass ceiling.

I watch as the chaos ensues, the others uses the cabinets to put some distance between them and the cats, and then they quickly jump in newts suitcase. Suddenly the lid flies open and newt appears in the back of a new beast. I go to help but am hit with a stinging spell, the old woman has turned her efforts towards me. I clutch my arm to try and stop the pain but it buzzes with pain no matter what. I glare at her and purse my lips together, I let out a hurricane force of wind and she is quickly thrown off balance and out if the room, "Margo, grab the tail now" newt orders. I quickly latch to the tail which feels a bit like a feather duster. The beast leaps into the air and we go through a portal it has made.

We land in a cemetery and I let go and catch onto a statues arm. I watch as Tina is able to get the beast into the suitcase with a toy made with feathers and a bell. Leta looks around "where is Margo?" She asks worriedly. I cough loudly "I can't get down, my boots are at the ministry" I explain. Tina grabs a rope from the case and swings it up to me and I catch it. I am pulled down but I can't stop myself from hovering off the ground. I quickly tie the rope around my waist as Tina holds on, I grin "oh I can't wait to tell travers he owes me new boots" .

Newt looks somewhat annoyed "what are you doing here?" He demands. I glance at Leta "well it's a long story... cough.. ministry.. cough.." I fake cough. He shakes his head "well we can't have you being dragged around on the end of that rope. Give me a moment" he hurries into his case. I glance around and let out a shiver "I hate graveyards and my arm stings, that old bat got me right in the arm with a stinging spell" I complain. Tina frowns "hopefully that should wear off, just keep it moving and it should be gone in a few hours" she advises. Newt remerges with his hands behind his back "I was saving this for your birthday but you are going to need them" he brings a new pair of shoes out, they are shiny and have a heel. I frown "but I need shoes that will hold me to the ground" I say nervously. Newt smiles "I had them specially made so they have a lead spell on them but when you click your heels together the spell is reversed and you can float again" he explains. I look at them in awe "thank you so much, I will pay you back every penny when I can and I promise I will" I say gratefully. He shakes his head "no you don't have to". I slip them on my feet and I immediately feel the weight as I'm brought back down to the ground.

Tina smiles then looks around in expectation as if she senses something "where are we?" She asks her voice bouncing off the cold walls. Leta shakes her head "my family tomb"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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