Chapter 2

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Dumbledore turns round and smiles. "There are less conspicuous places to meet" newt says. Dumbledore smiles and looks out onto the city "I do enjoy a view" he pulls out his wand "Nebulus." A mist covers the rooftop, successfully shielding us from view. I smile brightly "and you must be Margo" he asks. I nod "nice to meet your sir" I say. He nods "the same to you too". We apparate back down to street level.

"How was it?" Dumbledore asks urgently. "They're still convinced you sent me" newt says, and you told them I didn't" Dumbledore asks. He nods "yes" we pass a group of Muggles and I nod in a greeting "which you did" he adds after we're out of ear shot. I smirk "ohh keeping secrets" I murmur in an exaggerated tone. Dumbledore looks amused but doesn't reply "you told where to find that trafficked thunderbird, you knew I would return him to America and you knew I'd have to take him through a Muggle port" newt lists. Dumbledore watches some birds fly above us "I've always had an affinity with great magical birds. There is a story in my family that a phenix will come to any Dumbledore who is in great need" newt tries to interrupt him but he carries on "they say my great grandfather owned a phenix but it took flight when he died, never to be seen again" he sighs.

Newt seems a little suspicious "with all great respect professor I don't believe that for one minute, that that is why you told me about the thunderbird" he bluntly argues. I nod "yeah, seem like you have this all planned" I pipe up. Dumbledore stops and turns to face us. Newt realised what is happening and he grabs my hand quickly as we apparate. I sigh "god, they need to learn how to be discreet" I comment. Dumbledore chuckle "well for now lets be grateful they can't" He says.

"Credence is in paris" Dumbledore states. I gasp "he's alive?" I question. Newt nods "yes I was going to tell you when we got home" he says nervously. I shake my head "I'm glad he's not dead, I hope they never find him" I say determination lacing every word. "You we're close?" Dumbledore asks curiously. I shrug "I never spoke to him but I sympathise entirely with him, the way he's been treated just ain't right". We get to a tram station "he's trying to track his real family" his voice lowers to a whisper "I take it you've heard the rumours about who he really is?" He questions. I frown "huh what rumours?" Newt shakes his head and turn to me "rumours that I suggest have have no business in the mind of a child"

We get on a tram that is parked up with no passengers and I take a seat next to Newt. "Many pure bloods believe that he is the last remaining of an important French line, a baby that everyone thought lost." Newt covers my ears and the conversation becomes muted. When I am allowed to listen again Dumbledore leans forward "pure blood or not, there is one thing I know for certain. An Obscurus grows in the absence of love, a dark twin, an only friend. If credence has a real brother or sister out there he might still be saved." I smile but he continues "if credence is in Paris he's either in danger or a danger to others. We may not know who he is yet but he need to be found."

I shake my head "credence does not mean any harm to anyone, if he believes that remaining hidden is the best for him then that is probably the best thing for him". Dumbledore looks at newt "I rather hoped you'd be the one to find him, newt remains silent and Dumbledore whips out a card from his sleeve "what's that?" Newt questions. Dumbledore smiles "an address of a very old friend of mine a safe house in Paris, protected by enchantments." Newt takes the card and glances at it. "Safe house, why would I need a safe house?" He asks. Dumbledore looks worried "one hopes not but should you need to it's always good to have a place to go... you know for a cup of tea" he assures him.

The tram driver clambers on not noticing us and the engine starts "no, no, absolutely not" newt starts but Dumbledore has already slipped off, and we follow him. We have to apparate after him "I'm banned from international travel Dumbledore." Newt protests, "if I leave the country they will throw me in askaban and throw away the key" I frown at these words, I know a little about askaban but it is definitely not on my list of places to go. "Do you know why I admire you newt?" Dumbledore asks seriously. "What?" Newt says sound perplexed. "More than any man I know" he continues "you do not seek power or popularity. You simply ask yourself if something is right" I nod "and if it is you donut no matter the cost" I finish. Dumbledore nods "yes, look at what you have done for Margo, you convinced the president to let Margo travel to Britain where her life would be significantly better no matter how many laws you broke or how many people you offended whilst doin it" he says warmly.

Newt doesn't seem to convinces "well that's all very well professor,but forgive me for asking... why can't you go?" He asks. I tilt my head, this thought has crossed my mind several times, if Dumbledore is so powerful why can't he defeat Grindelwald, should be a piece of cake right?

Dumbledore pauses and I see a flash of pain in his eyes "I cannot move against Grindelwald it has to be you" He states sadly. Newt glances at the card "though I can't blame you, in your shoes I would do the same thing too?" He plucks the card out of Newts hand "wait, no-" newt tries, he tips his hat "goodnight newt" he says he then glances at me "and you too Margo, I hope to meet you again shortly" I smile and nod my head "the same here sir".

"Professor wait-" newt tries but the professor starts to walk away.
He disappears for good, leaving us on the bridge "oh come on" newt complains. I smirk "well?" I ask, he glances down "well what?" He asks, "you gonna do the task?" I inquire. He throws his hands up in the air "well I can't because he took the card". The gloved hand from before reappears waving the card, newt grumbles to himself before snatching the card and shoving it in his pocket.

"Come on you, let's get home. You must be exhausted" he says. I shrug "nah, I'm wide awake" I claim. "So how was your meeting?" He asks. I shrug aimlessly "same as usual, though she did ask why I turned down that potions trial" I tell him. He nods "they do like to get nosey at those meetings" he comments. I shake my head "I know they're meant to help but I always feel like they're there to catch me out"  I claim. He nods "yes but you must never feel like the ministry means you any harm, MACUSA wouldn't have showed so much interest and that wasn't necessarily a good thing"

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