false hopes

337 19 2

"Yeonwoo, we're really sorry!!"

"Yeonu, let us stand up now, please..."

"Oh my dab, my knees! Hyebin-unnie huhuhu!!"

"If you haven't wrestled me back this wouldn't have happened at all!"

"If you didn't wrestle me in the first place none of this would've happened!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, do I hear complaints from people who destroyed my most treasured flashdrive?!" I yelled without looking at both blondes on their knees for almost 20 minutes now. Geez, this is a sorry excuse for a punishment.

"NO, MASTER!!!" They both yelled back. It was like we're in military service or something.

I nodded my head mockingly and continued touching my phone in random.

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.

To be honest, I wasn't angry at all. I didn't feel any remorse when I saw my flashdrive crushed into bits because I had backup. I know how MOMOLAND can be so messy and clumsy and I'm always one step ahead.

I just wanted a little—sadistic, but still—fun. And besides, they deserve the punishment.

Honestly, these two blondes are such a pain! For goodness sake, that flashdrive costs a fortune!


I was woken from my reveries and stopped sending death-defying glares to Hyebin and JooE when Nayun called me.

"Oh, Nayun?" I greeted back.

Nayun has this serious expression on her face that I suddenly sat up straight from my lying position on the couch.

The look on her face. This is the face that we rarely get to see unless she really means business.

I started racking my memories--I did the laundry, I definitely did! I did all the chores assigned to me! I don't remember doing anything wrong though, so I waited for her response.

"Can you come into my room for a moment?" Nayun's serious face suddenly turned to concern.

I raised my eyebrows to display curiosity.

Why is she concerned, all of a sudden?

Nayun grabbed me by the arm and technically dragged me towards hers and Hyebin's room. The smell of Hyebin's scent mixed with Nayun's was lingering in my nose. It's pleasant and it's expected from the most hygienic people I know in this KPOP wasteland.

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