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"Aaaahhh! It's so tiring!" Hyebin screamed lazily after she took off her thick coat. She plopped her entire body on the couch and moaned against the fabric.

They just got home from their second win in Inkigayo. Hyebin was happy, they honestly didn't expect anything, but still, the tedious part of going to and fro and performing every day was getting to her.

The other members were still outside carrying their pillows and other stuff they bring to every stage. Some couldn't handle the drowsiness anymore and slept inside the van. Right now, maybe they're struggling waking up Jeong Ahn. Hyebin managed to escape the 'Waking-Up-Daisy-The-Sleepy' routine and just wanted to relax her back on the soft couch.

"Ya, Hyebin-ah, nice job escaping." Hyebin couldn't see who said it because her face was against the couch. Hyebin laughed.

"They aren't done yet, I presume. Nice job escaping too." Hyebin said in her drowsy tone. She was sure Jane was the one who told her that since Jane was the only one who can escape without fail when it comes to waking up Daisy. Fortunately for Hyebin, she was only lucky not to be discovered by JooE.

"I always escape." Jane said in a proud tone. Hyebin heard footsteps going upstairs so she assumed Jane was going upstairs.

Hyebin raised her head. "YA PUT THE TROPHY IN THE CABINET!!"

"JooE's carrying it." Jane peeked and saw Hyebin's horrified face. Jane smirked.

"Oh no." Hyebin immediately got on her feet to go outside. Jane laughed her lungs out. She knew why Hyebin wanted to get the trophy from JooE.

"OH NO." Hyebin shouted while running outside.

JooE is the clumsiest member of MOMOLAND next to Yeonwoo. That's why the fear of JooE losing her grip on the trophy bothers the Leader so much.

Jane shook her head as she hears the conversation outside. Their voices were loud enough to disturb everyone in a 5 kilometer radius.

"YA, JOOE BE CAREFUL WITH THAT!" The whole, yet threatening voice of Hyebin blared outside.

Jane heard a loud clank. It seemed brass against asphalt.


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