what's with you two?

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"Nancy, wake—OH MY HOLY DAB WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYES?!" JooE practically woke up every single member that were immersed in their dreams.

It was yet another morning, JooE just opened the blinds because it was a good day—it was their day off! JooE just opened the blinds so that the sunshine can peek through their glass walls.

Nancy grunted as the light seeped through her sternly closed eyes. She grabbed the nearest pillow and covered her face with it.

"YA, LEE SEUNG RI!" The older one in the room put her hands on her waist and looked at the maknae worriedly.

In JooE's defense, Nancy's eyes were so puffy she actually mistook it as if Nancy went out of their dorm in the middle of the night then challenged a bunch of drunks into a fistfight. She looked like she has a black eye for both eyes. Nancy never looked like a koala!

"WE HEARD JOOE'S SHOUT OF DISTRESS!!" Ahin shouted while entering the room. Nancy sighed in exasperation.

She really can't have peace and quiet anywhere at all when she's with MOMOLAND.

JooE hushed Ahin who was with Daisy. Daisy had her hair down and lack of sleep still visible in her eyes. Ahin looks wide awake though.

"What's the matter?" Daisy whispered in a hushed, raspy voice.

Nancy was confused because all of a sudden, it was quiet. In that kind of silence, Nancy can hear any sound if she can focus.

Ahin plopped down on JooE's bed without making any noise as much as possible. "Does it have something to do with yesterday?"

Nancy was about to ignore them and get at least 30 minutes of sleep. She didn't get any last night and for some reason—we all know the reason, let's stop playing dumb—she cried her heart out. Her pillow's dampness was the result of muffling her sobs the entire night. She wouldn't want Ju Won worried now, would she?

"Apparently." JooE sat down and put both her legs on the bed. She leaned against the headboard. "I'm honestly so worried when she came to the dressing room, smiling while crying."

"It's honestly creepy." Ahin interjected.

"Oh shut up, Ahin."

Daisy sighed. "D'you think it has something to do with Dabin?"

Nancy's ears jumped and brought her whole attention back to the conversation. She knows damn well that it's bad to eavesdrop on someone's conversation but this concerned her.

And Yeonwoo.

"Hyebin-unnie said last night that Yeonwoo's eyes were fresh from tears after dragging Nancy." Ju Won added and scooted closer to Ahin.

Ahin immediate clung to JooE's arm and put her head on her shoulder. "I'm worried about Nancy and Yeonwoo-unnie."

"Worried is an understatement. We have Pops in Seoul later tonight. Maybe I could talk to her?" Daisy wondered.

Meanwhile Nancy, who was oblivious that she's making her unnies worry, started tearing up again.

She stood up from her lying position and sat. Her speed was incorrigibly fast that Ahin almost grabbed the lampshade in JooE's bedside table to throw it towards the shocking action caused by the maknae.

never | yeonnaenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang