I [Introduction]

171 4 71

published December 25th, 2018 at 8:54 AM


"help me!" multiple feminine voices cried out desperately, banging on the walls of their cells.

"where are you?" you asked in a loud, clear voice, fumbling around, trying to reach the girls.

no response, only loud wails and cries. you followed the sounds and eventually met three of the girls, all in their own cells.

"please help us," one of them had mumbled. she was pretty, with long, dark, straight hair and makeup streaming down her face in crystal tears. her lips were even painted red with a creamy lip color.

the one next to her had slightly shorter hair and a shorter, wider face, but was equally pretty. her lips were thinner and parted in a cry, and she reached her hand between the bars to reach out and grab you.

"over here too!" someone behind you cried as well. you spun around and seen her - her hair was short and blonde, and her features were very different from the previous two. she closed her eyes and wailed loudly, nodding to your direction.

all of them were wearing slim-fitting long black dresses that bunched up on the ground, and all of their makeup ran from the crying they'd been doing for god knows how long. their sleeves went down to their elbows, their dresses were elegant and their jewelry sparkled.

they all had a collective grim face of realization as they took a long look at you. you, confused, looked down, and noticed you were also wearing a fancy dress.

yours, however, was red, and not slim-fit. it was quite puffy at the hips, whereas the torso was fitted. the sleeves went all the way down to your wrists and were lacy and beautiful. you also wore extravagant jewelry - more so than the girls in the cells.

"doesn't she look beautiful..." a rough, masculine voice asks. seven men walk down a red, velvet carpet and appear before you.

but they don't have faces...?

"gorgeous..." another one nods.

"i like her better than the others."

they all nodded this time, collectively.

"i want her."

they all murmur approvingly.

"you'll be ours soon, jiyeonie~"

you open your mouth, but are shoved backwards by all the men. below you, as youre falling, there is a large pool of lava.

it burns and you cry as it envelops you, watching as the men above you cackle at your cries and pleads of mercy. they wave you away.

you sit up in your bed a bit too roughly, because by the time you're up you immediately grab your neck and groan. you pulled a muscle.

"fuck," you whispered, trying to massage away some of the pain.

"shh," your boyfriend cooes, reaching his arm up and brushing his fingers weakly over your plush lips. "go back to sleep. it's too early for sinful speech like that."

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